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Inspirational Quotes

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“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”  by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"God is using your present circumstances to make you more useful for later 

roles in His unfolding story."     by Louie Giglio


"Whatever keeps me from my Bible is my enemy,

however harmless it may appear to be."   by A. W. Tozer


"We are sent to bless the world, but we are never told to compromise with it."   by A.W. Tozer


When the world says, "Give up", Hope says, "Try it one more time."   by Toby Mac


"God's not running from our mess.  He's cimbing in it to be right there with us."  by Lisa Terkeurst


Life is not about finding yourself.  It is about discovering

who God created you to be.


Why would you wish upon a star when you can pray to the one who created it!


We aren'nt called to be like other Christians.  We are called to be like Christ!


"God is using your present circumstances to make you more useful

for later roles in this unfolding study."   by Louie Giglio


"Whatever keeps me from my Bible is my enemy,

however harmless it may appear to be."    by A.W. Tozer


"We are sent to bless the world but we are never told

to compromise with it."  by A.W. Tozer


When the world says, "Give up."  Hope says, "Try it one more time!"    by Toby Mac


God's not running from our mess.  He is climbing in it to be

right there with us."   by Lysa Terkeurst


"When Christians sugar coat Christianity, arrange it all nicely, they 

have in essence taken away the cross!"    by A.W. Tozer


God can take a mess and make it a message!


God doesn't guide parked cars!


Miracles do not produce faith.  Faith produces miracles!


Truth has no options and no variables!


 God doesn't miss His appointments.  He is in time, on time every time.


God desires blessed anonymity, that only the cross is visible when we're gone.

(When walking in the sand the cross will cover over my footsteps.)


Where you invest your time and money is where your heart is!


Temptation doesn't define me, it refines me!


Are you standing on the promises or sitting on the premises?


A lot of people know the Word of God but they don't know the God of the Word!


God never gives us discernment that we might criticize but that we might intercede.


Everything that makes me need God more is a blessing!


"When we look within us we become depressed.  When we look around us, we become distressed. However, when we look up, we come to be at rest."  by Corrie Ten Boom


With revelation comes responsibility!


Truth does not depend on the consensus of opinion!


When teaching, my desire should be that the listeners would

experience something greater than themselves.


God does not ask if you are successful but He will ask if you are faithful!


We should be so full of God's word that when we open our 

mouths it comes pouring out!


"Our gifts are not for our enjoyment but for our employment."   by Adrian Rogers


Our mind is the devil's playground.


Is there enough evidence in my life to convict me as a Christian?


Am I comfortable or conformable?


A Spiritual Journey is a journey towards eternity no retirement!


"Are you settling for hamburger when God has steak planned?"   by Jeff White


Does my walk verify my talk?


"Don't force my name on someone else!"  by God


If we prayed as hard to keep the sinners out of hell as we pray to keep

saints here on earth, we would see many more saved!


God lives in eternity because it is the only place big enough to hold Him!


Are you filling a position or fulfilling a calling?


The presence of a storm in my life does not mean the absence of a Savior!


Ours is not a salvation of works, it is a salvation that works!


Sinning is a matter of conduct.  It offends God's holiness.  

Rebellion is a matter of principle.  It offends God's authority.


The vine dresser is never nearer the branches than when He is pruning them!


I am God's masterpiece.  Signed by His blood and framed in His love!


Temptation is an opportunity to accomplish a good thing in a bad way.


Telling a professor from a possessor . . .

A professor merely names the name of Christ but a possessor is indwelt by Him!


What we believe should determine how we behave.


"He is no fool to give up what He cannot keep to gain what He can not lose."   by Jim Elliot


My daddy is my pilot in the cockpit!


Our testimony is always on display.  It is a revolving neon sign.


You are either actively righteous or passively wicked.


The Great I Am Still Is


Do we want to know God's will more than we want to know Him?


Worship God, love people, use things!


"Humility is not thinking less of ourselves, it's thinking of ourselves less!"   by C.S. Lewis


"A true test of ministry is life transformation!"   by Nick Mobley


God doesn't let His children retire until they go to be with Him.


Hide the word in your heart but be transparent so others can see it!


God always has a higher purpose behind what He allows!


In successful marriages some assembly is required!


"God is not concerned with our ability but our availability."   by Adrian Rogers


The heart can't accept what the mind rejects!


"Whenever we try so hard to keep up, we fail to look up!"   by Ken Polk


Discipleship is caught more than taught!


Heavenly treasures are reserved for those who forsake earthly pleasures to do the will of God!


We were never meant to be terminals but channels through which Jesus works through!


"The greatness of grace is measured by the distance a lost sinner is from God."   by Ken Polk


Someone convinced against their will is of the same opinion still.


Sin will keep you from the Bible or the Bible will keep you from sin.


As the inner man is built up, the outer man gets his strength.


"Have we stopped being fisher's of men and started being a

keeper of the aquarium?"   by David Jeremiah


We should live as though God is the only audience we have!


Are the things I'm living for worth Christ dying for?


If your faith can't be tested it is not worth much! 


Whatever label (Baptist, Methodist etc.) we identify with 

will either fall off in the rapture or burn off in hell.


"If my bullets fit your gun, load up!"   by Adrian Rogers


God's miracles have a purpose and are not for our entertainment.  


"Jesus is my greatest treasure, living for Him, my greatest pleasure!"   by Ken Polk


"You can not summon the nations to sing if you are not singing!"   by John Piper


God doesn't communicate with the unwilling!


The reason some may not feel God, hear Him, see Him etc.

is that they may not be in tune with Him.


When God takes something from us He always exchanges it for something else.  

(Takes bitterness, brings joy.  Takes insecurity, gives peace.  Takes wealth, promises to provide.)


               Steel must be put through the fire in order to gain strength.  The hotter the fire the                stronger the steel will become.  It must be hammered, beaten, forged and heated.

  We must be put through the fire in order to be fit for His use also.


"God is more concerned with the state of people's hearts than

the state of their feelings."   by A.W. Tozer


"We give the enemy certain rights over our life when we fail

to partner with God in our ongoing development."   by Graham Cooke






























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