Ephesians 5:1-2 “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
Children spend a great deal of time around their parents especially when they are young. It is a very impressionable time where they observe and will then imitate all that they are seeing and hearing. They take on the characteristics of those they spend the most time with. In Ephesians 5 Paul is telling us to be imitators of God and the only way that is possible is if we spend time with Him in His word so that we can learn more of who He is and what He is like. God is calling us to be authentic representations of Him. . . to be the fragrance of the knowledge of Him and to be a letter from Christ written not with ink but the Spirit of the living God. We are to lay aside our old selves and let the new transformed self cause curiosity in others and reflect His glory. Christ did not save us in order that we may live any which way that we choose. He saved us to live godly lives, and thus to live in a way that is radically different from the lifestyles of unbelievers. His desire is that we live in a manner that imitates Him and reflects all of who He is. When we live in a way that is anything but honoring to God we give others the wrong impression of Christianity and push them away instead of drawing them nearer to us. Let's take strides to examine ourselves from here on out. Are we continuously radiating the likeness of Jesus?
Dear Lord,
Forgive us when we slip up and act unworthy of our calling. You desire that we be imitators of You and reflect all of who You are to those You send our way but it is difficult sometimes. We are an impatient people. Help us to slow down and live intentionally and purposely set out to be that beacon of light and hope. Show us how we can better represent who You are to this lost and dying world. Please continue to mold and make us into Your image so that others can catch even just a little glimpse of the One who has made such a dramatic change in our lives. We love and adore You and desire others to come to understand and know You also.
In Jesus Name,