1 Timothy 6:6 “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”
This verse tells us that as Followers of Jesus Christ, godliness along with contentment is something that we can benefit from. So what does contentment mean? It is an inner confidence of rest or peace that comes from being right with God and knowing that He is in control of all that happens to us. It means having our focus on the Kingdom of God and serving Him, not on the love of money or earthly things. Contentment also means not being battered around by difficult circumstances or people and not being wrongly enticed by prosperity because our life is centered on a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This relationship is the steady assurance that He is our biggest supporter and will never forsake us. When we fix our eyes on Jesus we will have a congealed contentment, a satisfying of our whole being.
One way that we can find contentment is to kill the comparisons which will eventually manifest into envy. Comparison is really nothing new. Cain compared himself to Abel and even the disciples compared themselves with one another. By looking at our society as a whole it is very obvious that comparison is thriving.
Divorce rates are at an all-time high, someone else catches their attention and the grass looks greener on the other side.
People are more transient than ever before and usually only live in a home for 3 or 4 years before they upgrade.
Lawsuits are abundant as people are trying to get rich without having to work for their means.
Lotteries are thriving. Again the get rich quick mentality shows it’s fangs.
People are spending what they don’t have to keep up with appearances thrusting themselves deeper and deeper in debt.
When we compare ourselves with others, we are not walking by faith but actually trying to control things. The apostle Paul teaches that if we live to serve the Savior, we will be content whether we have little or much.
The secret of contentment: to be captivated by Christ who is Sovereign and to whom we submit, as the Savior whom we serve and as the Sufficient One whom we trust in every situation!
Dear Lord,
Forgive us when we take our eyes off of you and look around at others. We know better. We know that you’ve a plan for each
of us that is completely unique. When we lose our focus please realign our gaze. Help us to look only to You in every situation and surrender our “Wanters” to you. You know what is best for each of us and I pray that we would walk so closely with You that we would be able to discern Your will at all times.
In Jesus Name,
#contentment #followers #followersfoJesusChrist #godliness #innerconfidenceofrest #peace #beingrightwithGod #focusontehKingdom #servingHim #loveofmoney #relationshipwiththeLordJesusChrist #assurance #fixoureyes #killthecomparisons #envy #disciples #divorce #grasslooksgreener #keepupwithappearances #walkingbyfaith #secretofcontent #secretofcontentment #captivatedbyChrist #forgiveus