Acts 4:23 “On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.

Peter and John had healed a crippled man who was blind from birth which angered the religious leaders of the day. The man that had been healed was standing next to Peter and John while they were preaching so there was nothing that the religious leaders could say or do. Truth was staring them in the face. The Sanhedrin called them in several times and ordered them to quit speaking in Jesus name; however, Peter and John chose to obey God rather than man.
Those that had observed this miracle and heard the teaching of the disciples continued to threaten the Sanhedrin so the Sanhedrin let the disciples go out from their midst. But, what Peter and John did next touched my heart. The Bible says that on their release from the Sanhedrin, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. Why do you suppose they decided to go back home and give a report of everything that happened? I believe that most every answer to the “Why”? question can be answered with, “For the glory of God.” We learn from the Apostle Paul that we can glorify God in the good and the bad times, in the mundane and adventurous, in restful or difficult times. We can glorify God in each and every situation we face.
To glorify God at all times means that we are a reflection of Him, we act the way He wants us to, we think the way He wants us to think, we love like He loves and we speak words that will please Him. When our hearts are set on glorifying God we are faithful stewards in all things and we are very mindful of His presence each and every minute of every day. Peter and John went back to their own people not only to give God glory but to encourage their fellow believers and strengthen their faith. When you hear testimony first hand and you trust the source, you can’t help but be encouraged or moved by the reports. Paul concluded, ”whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” Everything, whether it be mowing the lawn, bathing your children, folding clothes, cooking a meal, gassing up the car, or just fulfilling your duties at work. Everything should be done for the glory of God.
Dear Lord,
As believers, we know that others are watching us at all times. If they know we are Christians, they are watching to see if we falter or succumb to the worlds standards. We are constantly under the microscope. Help us to be so enthralled with You that it becomes second nature to live each moment for You, not ourselves. Lord, I pray that Your Holy Spirit would radiate from us at every turn, that we would cause so much curiosity that all people will be drawn to us wherever we go so we can in turn point them to you. I pray that we would have an approachable spirit about us and that our eyes would display a gentle, humble, kindness unlike anything they’ve come across before! All glory and honor is Yours, now and forever more.
In Jesus Name,