Romans 1:18-19 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.”
I am studying the book of Romans right now so you can imagine where my mind went when I heard about the 7.1 earthquake in Mexico in 2017. My heart was burdened for the Mexican people, especially for those who didn't know Jesus. As I watched the videos of the destruction and chaos I was reminded of how the end times is described in the Bible.
God’s wrath is imminent and though we know from the Bible what God says will happen in the end times, it is still unsettling when we hear the news of the devastation. Mexico saw 10 earthquakes within a 24 hour period. Two of those were major earthquakes. I mentioned the fact that it seems like earthquakes are becoming more frequent to a friend of mine and he dismissed it by saying that it isn’t really that uncommon. He said, “We have earthquakes all the time and major ones cause little tremors to occur and more earthquakes elsewhere because of the friction between the earth’s crusts.” He wasn’t at all interested in what I was saying and it broke my heart. In Paul’s letter to the Romans Paul talks about God’s wrath being revealed from heaven against all godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the Truth. I am seeing this play out right in front of my eyes. His family knows God’s name but they don’t know who He is and they neither glorify Him or give thanks to Him. Their thinking is foolishness. It is quite obvious to me why God has crossed our paths for such a time as this and I pray that somehow He will use me to make an impact in the lives of this family and others along the way.
Amos and Isaiah both spoke of God’s judgement and earthquakes followed their warning. God is giving clear warning of His impending judgement to the world. We must pray that people will be awakened!
Dear Lord,
I don’t even know how to pray except to lift up those who don’t know You! Please send us out to make an impact in their lives for the Kingdom. Radiate your likeness from us so that people are drawn to us and are curious about whose we are. Embolden and empower us to say and do all that You need us to so that You will get their attention and turn their eyes towards You. May Your Kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. Help us not to take our gift of salvation for granted but to wear it and share it for others to catch a glimpse of who You are.
In Jesus Name,