Psalm 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; that I know very well.
As I stood in front of the mirror this morning preparing for the day I found myself focusing on all the imperfections of my features. My complexion seems out of kilter, my eyes could be set further apart, age has somehow crept up on me forming creases and spots, and this body, what was He thinking? Just for a few moments I was wallowing in the weariness of my wanting but praise the Lord, God got my attention real quick. He created this earth suit of mine specifically the way it is for a reason. In God's eyes I look absolutely perfect and He is enthralled by my beauty (Psalms 45:11).
Years ago I worked in the public school system as an aide while my children were school age. Everyone morning two twin African American boys would greet me in the hallway and say, 'Mrs. Wies, looking good!" It brought a smile to my face and a thrill to my heart. I imagine every morning God sits waiting for us to acknowledge Him and His response to us, "looking good, my dear! Now, go out into the world and reflect all of who I am to those I send your way".
Like most of us I have struggled for years wanting to look like the super models on the magazine covers and the actresses in the movie industry. They are gorgeous and are portrayed as stunning woman who embody a life of bliss. I just knew that if I could look like them the answers to all life's problems would be settled. Of course, I came to recognize years ago the fallacy of my thoughts but it is so tempting to go there even just for a moment. Come on, ladies, you know where I'm coming from. . .
For years I was also plagued by the expectations of others wanting me to look like something I was clearly not created to look like. Praise the Lord, He has freed me from those expectations also but it has been a long time coming. If people can not love you for who you are and are constantly trying to suggest you change then you need to distance yourself from them. Their influences are toxic and condemning to the core of your very being.
This morning, though, I clearly felt God speaking to me. He was saying, "No, Gigi, we are not going there. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I created every little detail about you and I think you are amazing. I'm enthralled with your beauty and your uniqueness is part of my plan for you!" At that very moment I had a choice to make. I could continue to let the evil one rob me of my joy or I could lift my chin up and praise my Lord and Savior, my Creator, who's love is never failing! Dear friends, lift your chin up and praise Your Lord and Savior for who He created You to be! His plans are perfect!
I enjoy listening to this song from "The Greatest Showman" which reminds me that we are all glorious just the way God created us. Enjoy "This Is Me"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEJd2RyGm8Q
Dear Lord,
Your creation is beautiful and your plans are perfect! Thank you for creating me just as I am. On those days that I feel less than perfect please help me to look into your eyes and bask in your presence. I welcome Your unfailing love and I savor Your ever word. Alpha and Omega, You are for me at all times and I realize You're paving the way for me to share Your great love with others. Please equip me to do and say all that You desire me to in the situations that You bring to me. I pray that I re-present all of who You are well to everyone I see.
In Jesus Name,
#fearfullyandwonderfullymade #Wonderfulareyourworks #PraisetheLord #earthsuit #enthralledbymybeauty #LookingGood #AfricanAmericanboys #thrilltomyheart #supermodels #magazinecovers #actresses #movieindustry #gorgeous #stunningwoman #lifeofbliss #lifesproblems #fallacy #plagued #expectations #toxic #influences #condemning #enthralledwithyourbeauty #uniqueness #choice #choicetomake #evilone #publicschoolsystem #wonderfullymade #TheGreatestShowman #Godcreatedus #beautiful #plansareperfect #AlphaandOmega #greatlove #equipme #represent #chinup