Romans 10:11-13 "For the Scripture says, everyone who believes in Him will not be put to shame. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing His riches on all who call on Him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Anyone who has lived on this earth for any length of time has seen disappointment at one time or another. Babies are disappointed with wet diapers. Children are disappointed when cooked carrots are served. Teens are disappointed when they are not able to have a cell phone like their friends. The older we get our disappointment becomes more significant as in a failed marriage, a wayward child, the loss of employment, betrayal of a friend or in even a pastor who has failed to live out what God commands. All of us have been let down at some point.
Disappointment is the result of unmet expectations. It hurts and if left unchecked, it can be very debilitating. Disappointment is a very real fact of life yet when we fail to acknowledge it, we tend to internalize it as disastrous instead of an opportunity to grow.
Paul is telling us in Romans 10:11 that "Everyone who believes in Him, which is Jesus, will not be put to shame." He was writing to the Christians in Rome and was telling them that anyone who believes in Jesus will not be disappointed. No one who trusts in the Lord will regret their decision. That is a monumental promise! No one likes being disappointed so when Paul tells the Romans that there is absolutely no chance that God will let them down, this was big news!
"God promises that whosoever trusts in the Lord for salvation will not be disgraced, will not be disappointed or let down." (The Message) At times we may not understand all that God is doing or allowing but in time we will be able to see His plans mapped out. Scripture reassures us, “No one who trusts God like this—heart and soul—will ever regret it.” It doesn't matter what race you are, what religious background you may have or where you have come from, the same God is waiting to act on your behalf over and above anything that you can ever imagine. JESUS NEVER FAILS!