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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Let's Go and Tell / The Holy Spirit Will Compel

1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."

Imagine for a moment with me that a man showed up in your town from Arabia telling everyone he came in contact with that he had a powerful story to share. The Story: A woman named Bohla from East India was given a lethal injection in order to pay for the sins of everyone in the world. Imagine too that you didn't have two thousand years of Christian history to draw from. Your response to this man would be, "That is absurd. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard! You have got to be crazy if you think I'm going to believe something like that!"

This thinking was the perspective of the people in Paul's day to the message of Jesus dying on the cross. Crucifixion was reserved for the lowliest of people and Deuteronomy 21;23 tells us that anyone hung on a tree was under God's curse. So when Paul came to Corinth with this message he understood how the Jews and the Gentiles viewed the cross, foolishness. The world saw Jesus as a complete failure.

As we go out and share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ we are, in essence, facing the same dilemma as Paul. People will view our message as foolishness but we shouldn't take it personally and shouldn't stop going out. Our responsibility is only to share our experience and the good news of Jesus Christ, not to save people. It's the Holy Spirit's job to woo them and draw them to the foot of the cross in order to make a decision. Let's continue to go and tell so the Holy Spirit can do His job to compel people to decide what they will do with the message of the Cross!


Dear Lord,

What a treasure we have been given! Your gift of salvation was not foolishness to us and we ask that You will empower us and embolden us to share Your story even when no one listens. Help us to turn the other check, dust off our feet and keep going despite any criticism or sarcasm that comes our way. Use us in the midst of this chaotic world to get people's attention and point them closer to You. May our mouths glorify Your name, our hands serve where You send us, and our eyes reveal Your compassion as we walk through the streets of the mission fields where You have placed us. As we pour forth Your love may others take notice and yearn to follow suit.

In Jesus Name,


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