Psalm 81:10 "I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."
In the book of Acts it is written of Paul on several occasions that he was brought before the court for them to decide what to do with him. They could never find any reason to arrest him but at each interlude he was given the opportunity to speak. In each discourse Paul gave his testimony. He spoke about what his life was like before Christ, what happened when he met Christ, and what his life was like after he met Christ. He simply gave the facts and told the truth to whomever had occasion to listen. Paul spoke knowing that at any moment his life could be taken from him but he was ready to give His life for the One who gave him his life and set him free.
Paul’s testimony was literally his "LIFE STORY". He gave us a simple formula to follow when sharing the gospel with others which is what my husband usually teaches men at his Monday Night Bible Study. All we need to do is share “Our Story” with others. No one can argue with our experience. They can choose not to listen but they can’t argue with what we know to be true. We must share what our lives were like before Christ, what happened when we met Christ, and what our lives are like after we surrendered everything to Christ. I think that sometimes we make giving our testimony too complicated. Like Joe Friday said on the old “Dragnet” series, “Just the facts, ma’am”! Okay, you might be too young to remember that, LOL, but all God asks of us is that we are willing to share “His Story” within “Our Story “when opportunity presents itself.
Dear Lord,
We hold the keys to Truth and righteousness. How can we keep quiet? You have given each of us the greatest gift ever given but we know that with this blessing also comes responsibility. Our responsibility is a willingness to share this “Good News” at every opportunity but it is not easy for whatever reason. In Your word you’ve said that if we open wide our mouths, You will fill it so help us to open our mouths so You can speak through us. Please give us the boldness to share Our Story with whomever you allow to cross our paths. Your light is not something that was meant to be hidden so we ask that You work in us an uninhibited spirit to eagerly and unapologetic-ally share Jesus at every turn.
In Jesus Name,