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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Give Us TODAY Our Daily Bread

Matthew 6:11 “Give us today our daily bread.”

Can you tell that dough is on my mind lately?

Seriously though, I love this little verse that is placed within the Lord’s Prayer. Give us THIS DAY (TODAY) our daily bread, not sustenance for tomorrow or bread for next week, but Lord, give us what we will need for today. And isn’t that what God did for the Israelite people? As they journeyed in the wilderness, they had no way of growing food enough for all to eat or to store enough food for another day. God provided manna, their food, enough for one day. He provided what they would need for one day and no more except on Friday to prepare for the Sabbath. Those that picked up more than was necessary for the day and tried to store it in their earthen vessels saw for themselves what disobedience looks like. The manna became wormy and had a foul odor, a resemblance of the effects of sin. This daily provision was a way of keeping the Israelites totally dependent on God. They needed God if they were going to survive 40 years in the dessert without starving to death.

Dwight L. Moody said that he needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily because “he leaked” and I would venture to say that we leak also. We need God every minute of every hour of every day. The Bible reminds us in the book of John that we are nothing apart from him anyway. We need him. We need his wisdom, we need his guidance, we need his direction, we need his protection, and I could go on and on and on. He alone is the only one that knows what we need before we need it so why do we choose to suffer and struggle? Why do we neglect to go to Him daily? He holds the answers and provisions of all that we need to live the abundant life He’s called us to TODAY!


Dear Lord,

We are a sinful people who have been saved by your grace. Apart from you we are nothing and can do nothing of any value for the Kingdom. We need you! Lord, please give us our daily sustenance and all that is needed to walk through this day! Fill us so full that we overflow and spill out all your radiance to everyone we encounter where ever we go. Transform our hearts so that they resemble Yours and help us to see people through Your eyes. May our thoughts be Your thoughts and our lips sing Your praises. We choose You today and anxiously wait to see all that You have in store for us. Guide us in all things.

In Jesus Name,


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