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It May Not Be As You Suppose

Tamela Sue Wies

Acts 20:10 “Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “He’s alive!”

While Paul was in Troas, the Bible says that he stayed up to teach until midnight one night because he knew that he was leaving the area in the morning and he had more that he wanted to share with the people. A young man, Eutychus, had fallen asleep while Paul was teaching, fell from a 3rd story window and was pronounced dead. Paul went down to where Eutychus was lying, threw himself over the young man and informed the people that the young man was alive!

I’m sure that to those who saw the evidence, this was a miracle. The boy was dead but is now alive! Our God is a God of so many possibilities and I wonder how many times we look at situations and give up or give in because the obvious seems hopeless? I want to encourage you in those times to look to Jesus and offer up your findings or your suppositions. Things may not be as you have supposed. God is always working behind the scenes and it could be that He is waiting to hear from you that you need Him, that you desire His help or His wisdom. Don’t just give up or give in but look to our Almighty God for understanding or deliverance. He wants so much to be included in everything you are involved with and it just could be that the outcome of your situation is everything but what you had thought.



Remind us often that our ways are not Your ways, that Your plans are greater than ours. Sometimes all we can see is what is happening right in front of our eyes and though it may not be what we think, it is all that is clear to us at the time. We speculate and calculate which is truly all for naught because You alone hold the answers to all that we are facing. Help us to seek You in those times, lay our situations down at your feet, rest in You and lean not on our own understandings! You've promised to direct our paths so please show us how we can best follow You and glean all that You desire to reveal to us. Blessed be Your name. You are our great and mighty King! Your power is great and Your ways are worth adhering too. Halelujah to our God who reigns on high!

In Jesus Name,



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