Ephesians 4:16 "From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."
God’s plan for the church body could be compared to a glorious symphony, not a solo endeavor. The true essence of a solo instrument is impossible to recognize no matter how proficient the individual is. Only by listening to the blend of the full orchestra playing together can the beautiful harmony be taken in and appreciated. I think of the church body as God’s orchestra! In order to fully manifest God's plan for the church each person must not only play his part but must play it combined with everyone else. So in God’s symphony, (His plan), the score is the Bible which portrays His Son, Jesus Christ. The instruments are our spiritual gifts and natural abilities. And the means we use to perform is fellowship, our cooperation with others in accomplishing His purpose. It is only as we work together in this way that it is possible to accomplish God’s plan. This is why fellowship is so important to the local church.
Most Americans have a John Wayne mentality when it comes to church, thinking that we can tough it out and do it on our own. That is not how God intended our lives as Christ followers to be. He purposed us to be interdependent, to need one another. He has given each of us different gifts which when they are utilized, complete the body! When one of our body parts isn’t functioning the way it was intended, we definitely know about it and seek to get things back into alignment so we are healthy and can function. It is the same way in the body of Christ. When everyone is using their gifts in the fellowship, the body is healthier as a whole and functions the way God intended. God desires that we grow in community with one another. Alone, we will never find the fullness of what God created us to be.
Dear Lord,
Give us a genuine love for our brethren and a desire to serve and fellowship with them. Help us to utilize all the gifts that you’ve given us within the church body so that the church can function as a whole the way you intended. Lord, we need You. We need Your wisdom, guidance and direction. I pray that You would pour out Your Holy Spirit upon each of us today and stir up inside of us the longing for community within our local fellowships. Show us where we are needed. You are our grand conductor and I pray that You will lead us to meld together into the body of believers that You desire in order to accomplish the plans You've designed for us in our own church bodies.
In Jesus Name,
#supportingligament #churchbody #glorioussymphony #symphony #soloendeavor #trueessence #soloinstrument #instrument #beautifulharmony #appreciated #Godsorchestra #Godssymphony #Bible #JesusChrist #instruments #spiritualgifts #naturalabilities #fellowship #cooperation #accomplishingHispurpose #Hispurpose #Godsplan #localchurch #Aemricans #JohnWayne #JohnWaynementality #Christfollowers #interdependent #needoneanother #differentgifts #bodyparts #alignment #healthy #healthier #community #oneanother #genuinelove #brethren #fellowshipwisdom #guidance #direction #HolySpirit #grandconductor #meldtogether #designed #Jesusname