Hebrews 8:12 "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
God has a unique sense of humor. Not a day goes by that He doesn't show me things and speak to my heart about how I can relate ordinary things to my spiritual life. This morning in the shower He spoke to my heart about shampoo and conditioner. Go figure, of all things!
What He was showing me was that the shampoo cleanses my hair but not just my hair, it cleanses deep down into my scalp so that any trace of impurities are removed. My hair gets its life back, has more lift and the dirty scent of the world becomes fragrant and inviting. The warm rush of flowing water appeals to my senses and I enjoy the feeling of being made new. Following that scenario, I massage in a conditioner which conditions and smooths my hair hopefully taming the wild pieces so that they will conform to the shape that they are being sculpted into. This process makes the hair more manageable.
When we surrender our lives to Christ and repent of all of our sin, God so graciously cleanses us. He not only forgives us but the Bible says that He remembers our sins no more or rather never holds them against us again. We get the opportunity of knowing God firsthand and He mercifully wipes our slate clean forever and gives us a fresh start. It is a deep cleansing down to our inner core not a surface wipe down. The Law of the Old Testament could not promise forgiveness to Israel, let alone to all mankind. It is only through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that forgiveness is possible to all who will call on Him. The Old Testament sacrifices brought a remembrance of sins, not a remission of sins. Praise the Lord for the cross!
And if that wasn't enough, God begins conditioning us, purifying us, sanctifying us and He doesn't let up until He reaches out to take us home. This sanctification is a process of softening our hearts, renewing our minds, quickening our spirits, and shaping our character until we reflect Him in everything we say and do. I guess you could say that God is taming our sinful nature and conditioning us to become a vessel that He can use for His purposes.
The next time you wash your hair, take some time to thank God for His gift of salvation and His refining fire. I'm thankful that He continues to polish and perfect us and never gives up on us!
Dear Jesus,
Your gift of salvation is the most unimaginable precious gift that we have ever been given. Thank you! Thank you for not only saving us but also for never giving up on us. Please continue to hold our feet to the fire and finish what you have started. Mold us and make us into the person that You created before time began. Fashion us to reflect you at every turn so that others will take notice and be drawn to You for deliverance. May Your praise be upon our lips as we go through out our day and may Your joy shine so brightly in us that it causes curiosity in those You send our way!
In Jesus Name,
#wickedness #forgive #remember #sins #senseofhumor #humor #heart #ordinary #spirituallife #spiritual #morning #shower #shampoo #conditioner #cleanses #hair #deepdown #scalp #impurities #life #lift #dirty #scent #world #fragrant #inviting #warm #rush #flowing #water #appeals #senses #enjoy #scenario #massage #conditions #taming #wild #conform #shape #sculpted #manageable #surrender #Christ #repent #forgives #Bible #remembers #knowingGod #God #mercifully #wipesourslateclean #slateclean #freshstart #depcleansing #Israel #mankind #sacrifice #JesusChrist #forgiveness #OldTestament #sacrifices #remembrance #remission #cross #conditioning #softening #renewing #quickening #spirits #shaping #character #reflect #tamingsinfulnature #vessel #purposes #washyourhair #salvation #gift #refiningfire #polish #perfect #nevergivesuponus