John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”
The Bible speaks of love over and over and over again. Jesus loves us. We are to love others. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love has no bounds. Unconditional love. I could fill up this page with references and statements regarding love but what I want to focus on this morning is the fact that Jesus wants us to love others just like He loves us. You may be thinking, ok, I've got that down, but take a second look. Jesus' love for us was sacrificial. He set a new standard in loving one another by going to the cross. This new standard of love is impossible for us without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We need His help because we are incapable of demonstrating the depth of His love on our own.
Jesus new command says, "Love one another as I have loved you." So, how has Jesus loved us?
It is an extremely costly sacrificial love. He willingly gave of Himself without second thoughts just for our benefit!
It is a tender caring love like that of a Father. He told them He was leaving but promised to return. They trusted Him.
It is a command to love others, not an option. We've freely received and are commanded to freely give of ourselves in return.
Jesus' love is conspicuous. It stood out and was obviously noticed. It caused curiosity in others and drew people to Him.
He is patient with us.
It is a committed love. It is looking out for the other's highest good, walking with them through life and loving until the end. It speaks of loyalty, trust and perseverance, not giving up when circumstances are difficult.
This exposition of Jesus' love only highlights the basic truths. Loving others is actually a life long journey of practicing His presence and His ways. It is not just loving those that are lovable but loving those that are hard to love or are our enemies. It is seeking to find the good in everyone and genuinely showing concern for those that God sends across our paths. It is intentionally loving on purpose and backing up our words with actions. It is seeing people through Jesus eyes and caring enough to make a difference.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for sacrificially loving me when I least deserved it. Thank you for taking my pain and sorrow and making me into a new creature. Your love knows no bounds! May Your praise be ever on my lips and may my life re-present You to whomever I come in contact with. If there is any unloving way within me, please show me and begin to weed it out of my being. I want others to see You at every turn. I surrender to all that You need me to do and be for such a time as this! Use me however You need to in order to make a difference in someone's life. I'm Yours!
In Jesus Name,
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