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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Modern Day Lures

Hebrews 12;2 "Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed – that exhilarating finish in and with God." (The MSG)

At the time my husband and I joined our church it was a small congregation in a small building where everyone knew each other. It reminded us of extended family. There were no flashy lights seeking to get our attention, no beautifully decorated surroundings that lured us in, no professional performances, no free wi-fi and no snack counters to enjoy breakfast while we were watching the preacher on the big screen.

We were drawn to the church we attend because of the sound biblical teaching. God's Word was the primary focus. It has continued to be the primary focus after all these years which is something that we appreciate and don't take for granted. We were able to raise our children in this church and are thankful that the Word of God was and is always clearly presented and fleshed out right in our midst.

I know that there are many churches who are using different tactics to cater to their audiences but we have to remember that Christianity is not about emotions or feeling close to God. Emotions will change and God is always near us no matter how we feel or what we think. Christianity is about God's Word and understanding who Jesus is. Many people rely too heavily on how they feel and what is in it for them instead of focusing on the scriptures and what God is saying to them..

If we are going to church to be entertained, fed (as in food), or because it is the hip place to be then we need to reconsider where our priorities lie. The world's magnet has subtly infiltrated our churches so much that they are more concerned with performance and meeting the highest standards for comfort rather than The One who holds all life, love and power. As humans we are easily distracted by pleasure and enjoyment so we have to be careful and ever mindful of the choices we make and the groups we become a part of.

Let's make sure we are fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and expectantly taking in all He is trying to teach us rather than looking for someone to give us comfortable or entertaining experiences.


Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your Word, Your true, living precious Word. Without it we would be perishing because we would be without You. We depend on Your Word to glean from Your wisdom and understanding and we look to Your Word for guidance and direction. Oh, Jesus, You are the Word and the Giver of LIfe! Your Word is a breath of fresh air to the living and foolishness to all those who are perishing. It is divisive yet beautiful. We praise You for be the very thing that has changed so many of our lives! Help us not to take this written Word for granted but treasure it as one of the richest blessings we've ever received!

In Jesus Name,


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