John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Easter reminds me of the beauty of light. Light is a vast subject that has been studied, experimented with and written about and has numerous influences on us. Light exposes, it allows us to see. Light illuminates and allows us to learn. Light radiates and allows us to seek. And we have been able to utilize light in application processes to improve our way of living. Light in itself is a valuable commodity but it's beauty surpasses anything that it's uses boast of.
I read an article not to long ago by Ron Rolheiser that compared the rainbow, which was created by God, and the cross which was used by God. He explained that the cross does what the rainbow does only in a different sphere. A rainbow refracts light, bending it and breaking it down so that we can see, partly, how it is made up. The cross does the same thing, it refracts the moral realm, bends it and breaks it down so that we can see how it is made up. In a rainbow, we see beneath the surface and we see the spectacular colors that make up light. In the cross, we too see beneath the surface and see the spectacular love, forgiveness, empathy, and selflessness that make up the inside of the moral realm.
I had never connected the cross and the rainbow before but the symbolism is rich and resonates with the celebration of Easter. The physical beauty of refracted light and the moral beauty of the cross of Jesus reveal different aspects of the same reality, both show us God in living color and all of His majesty. In the book of Hebrews we are presented with the rainbow which is a sign of the resurrection and God's unconditional love for us. A rainbow bends light so as to refract it and show what it looks like on the inside, its colors, its mystery, its spectacular beauty.
God is light and He is love and on this coming Easter Sunday I'm ready to celebrate the One who is the very essence of both. Dear friends, Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! May His Light and Love gloriously shine in us, among us and through us as we celebrate our Risen Savior, the Lord of All!
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
You are the Light that shines in the darkness! You are the bright and morning star! You are the Lamb of God and the Prince of Peace! You are my Rock and my Redeemer! You are the Resurrection and the Life! You are the Beginning and the End! Lord, as we gather to celebrate all of who You are this Easter morning, we invite Your Holy Spirit to radiate Your likeness among us. May all that is said and done usher in repentance and salvation at every turn. Please let this Easter go down as memorable and life changing. To God be the glory for all He has done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son. Who yielded His life an atonement for sin. And opened the life gate that all may go in! Praise You Lord, praise You Lord, let the earth hear Your voice! Praise You Lord, praise You Lord, as we come to rejoice! May many come to the Father, through You, God's Son, and give Him the glory, great things He hath done!
In Jesus Name,
#Risen #Easter #beautyoflight #light #lightexposes #lightallowsustosee #Lightilluminates #allowsustolearn #lightradiates #allowsustoseek #wayofliving #valuablecommodity #beauty #Ron #rainbow #rainbowrefractslight #cross #refractsthemoralrealm #beneaththesurface #spectacular #colors #love #forgiveness #empathy #selflessness #moralrealm #crossandtherainbow #sumbolism #resonates #celebrationofEaster #physicalbeauty #refractedlight #moralbeauty #Jesus #livingcolor #Hebrews #resurrection #Godsunconditionallove #bendslight #mystery #Godislight #Heislove #EasterSunday #HeisRisen #RisenSavior #TheLordofAll