James 4:17 "If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them."
If I were to be honest about living the life of a believer I would have to say that it isn't easy and it often involves doing what is right even though I don't necessarily feel like it at the time. Can you relate to what I'm saying? There are times when I don't feel like smiling, when I don't feel like putting my shopping cart back where it belongs after my grocery adventure or when I don't feel like stopping by to help a friend who is hurting; however, thankfully it is at those times that the Holy Spirit nudges me and gets me back on track. He draws me back in and pulls the scripture card on me which is not a punishment per se but rather a reminder of who's I am. He whispers, "Remember, you claim to be a Christian. Others are watching to see if you live out what you say you believe." And James 4:17 "If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them." Ouch!
So, even when I don't necessarily feel His presence or feel like putting any effort in to doing what is right, I try my hardest to do whatever it is out of obedience to Him. I feel a keen sense of responsibility to re-present my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to whom ever is listening or watching my every move which a lot of times includes my grandchildren. I'm not perfect, I have to admit that I fail from time to time but thankfully the Lord forgives and picks me back up and sends me on my way to try again. Remember that little song "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See!" Well, it is important what we put into our temples of the Holy Spirit but it is also extremely important what comes forth from them. There are a plethora of eyes and ears all around who take in everything we say and do!
Here in lies the challenge: we must find a way for what we know to be true to motivate us to do what we know to be right even though we don't feel like doing it. For me, the thought of steering someone away from the Lord is enough to jolt me back into reality that the Lover of My Soul abides within me and I am a written letter from Christ to everyone God sends my way.
May His abiding love be very real to you today and prove to be the catalyst that motivates all that you say and do!
Dear Lord,
I know that You dwell inside me. I have seen the manifestations of Your Holy Spirit and I praise You and thank You for coming to make Your home in someone the likes of me. Forgive me for the times that I'm overcome with weariness and have no desire to follow through with what I know is the right thing to do! I hate it when I succumb to those tempting desires. Please heighten my senses and help me to be aware of Your presence at all times. I love You and I surrender once again to all that You desire for me to be.
In Jesus Name,
#Itsnoteasy #dontfeellikeit #shoppingcartback #helpafriend #HolySpirit #shosIam #Christian #believe #Hispresence #whatisright #obediencetoHim #obedience #responsibility #representmyLordandSavior #Lord #Savior #JesusChrist #Becarefullittleeyeswhatyousee #temple #templeoftheHolySpirit #emotion #experiences #challenge #motivate #LoverofMySoul #God #abidinglove #catalyst #catalystthatmotivastes