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Pauses Have A Purpose

Tamela Sue Wies

Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

One of the biggest detriments to our modern society is the need for instant gratification. We can have the answer to a question downloaded to our fingertips in a matter of seconds. Resources are a click away. Our family and friends have constant contact with us and we can literally get financial credit at the drop of a hat. Products are delivered in sometimes less than one day so we are also conditioned never to have to go without. My how times have changed just in the past 50 years.

You may be thinking, I love the technology, it's wonderful, and I agree with you; however, stop and think about it from a biblical perspective. Instant gratification can lead us to depend on quick and easy solutions to sometimes difficult problems. If we have to wait too long for our answers we tend to make quick and hasty choices instead of waiting on the Lord and His timing. We grow frustrated because our efforts take longer than expected and it leads to discouragement. And if we are discouraged too long, we abandon our attempts to pray or our faith altogether because we're conditioned to believe that every good thing comes quick and easy. This microwave society has exchanged calm, peaceful, relaxing respites with God with quick read devotionals designed to hurry the reader along to other priorities. We flit around from one thing to the next without giving what we've read a second thought. My friends, sorry to disappoint but there is no such thing as instant sanctification!

My husband and I have coined a phrase and use it every time we find ourselves in a situation where we are called to wait, for example: in the grocery line, at a stop light, waiting at the doctor's office, waiting for a seat in a restaurant, waiting for a wayward child to come to their senses, rerouted on a detour etc. We look at each other and sweetly say, just more time to spend with you. You see, we realized years ago that God is in complete control of absolutely everything in our lives, even the times we are called to wait, so there is no sense in complaining. He's brought about the pause for a purpose so we seek to make the most of the every precious moment. Patience is talked about over and over and over again in the Bible and should mark the life of every believer in Jesus Christ. If you really stop and think about it, isn't patience a necessity for the Christian? Don’t we define our lives by waiting for Jesus to return, by waiting to meet Him in glory? Does our ability to satisfy our wants in the moment take away the blessing of learning how to wait well?

I want to encourage you this morning to make every effort to Practice the Presence of the Lord and seek to develop the fruit of patience in your life. Ask God to help you change your view of the waiting experiences He brings your way. Often it is in the time of waiting where God initiates His divine appointments. Pray expectantly because God is working behind the scenes on your behalf even when there are no clear signs of His Presence. He is faithful.


Personalize this Prayer

Dear Lord,

You are Patience and You never grow weary! I praise You for being patient with me and gently showing me what You desire from me. I know that You've set an example for me to follow but, Lord, it can be so hard.. Please, forgive me for the times that I've lost my cool and reacted inappropriately while I wait. I realize that You have a purpose in my waiting and I ask that You would help me to look at these pauses through Your eyes. Teach me how to turn my frustrations over to You and calmly wait when You slow me down. I want to be like You in all I say and do and if that means that I must learn how to wait patiently then I want all the patience You have to give. Help me to be a beacon of light to others in the midst of all that is happening during my waiting adventures.

In Jesus Name,


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