Romans 8:14-17 "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory."
Our adult son participated in a talent show a few weeks ago that was raising money for Compassion Forward, a fund inside the company he works for that seeks to help their employees in times of crisis. Compassion Forward helped he and his wife when they lost a child three years ago so he jumped in the competition for an opportunity to help pay it forward to someone else who was in need.
The talent competition took place in a bar in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. As his wife and I sat in the balcony awaiting his performance my heart was racing a hundred miles an hour. It felt as if I was getting ready to perform myself and at times it seemed that I was just as nervous as he was. His performance was precious and when he began to sing, literally, the whole room fell silent. He had written his song for the son they'd lost and it touched people that maybe never take time to think about such sensitive things. I can not explain the thrill of a mother's heart when her child shares their heart with the world; however, the crowning stroke of the evening was that he was singing about Jesus in a crowded bar in Nashville, TN among a group of people of which the majority probably don't go to church let alone have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He shared his faith. He unapologetically came straight out and professed his faith in Jesus Christ in that dark, worldly place. Be still my soul. Just thinking about it melts my heart.
I can only imagine that what I was feeling was just a small intimation of how God feels when His children acknowledge Him and share their faith with others. I'm sure He is bursting inside and is yearning to shout "See that one, He's mine. He's my child!" He most certainly sits on the edge of his seat with anticipation watching when we step out of our comfort zones to engage others and build relationships. He's thrilled when we participate in His Kingdom work and longs for us to introduce others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
My friend, if you have surrendered your life to Jesus, then you are God's child. He calls you His own and it delights Him when you make yourself available for His purposes!
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
Thank you, Father, for loving me. Thank you for giving Your one and only Son to die on the cross to forgive my sins so that You could have a relationship with me. Your unselfish gift is the greatest gift that I have and will ever receive. It humbles me because I am so unworthy. Your love amazes me and at the same time spurs me on. I want others to know of Your grace and mercy so that they too will have an opportunity to hear the Truth of Your Word and live forever. Fill me up, Lord, until I runneth over so that some of Your light with spill over into the lives of others. Use me, Lord, however you desire and make me a blessing to everyone I come in contact with! All hail the power of Your name now and forever more.
In Jesus name,
#God #passionately #Romans #SpiritofGod #childrenofGod #Spirit #slaves #fear #adoptiontosonship #adoption #Abba #Father #testifieswtihourspirit #Godschildren #children #heirs #heirsofGod #coheirswithChrist #sufferings #shareinhisglory #talentshow #Compassion #crisis #lostachild #opportunity #cmpetition #talentcompetition #downtownNashville #Nashville #Tennessee #performance #heart #song #thrillofamothersheart #crowningstroke #Jesus #church #relationshipwithJesus #unapologetically #acknowledingHim #mychild #anticipation #comfortzones #engageothers #buildrelationships #Kingdomwork #intimation #professedhisfaith #JesusChrist #soul #bestillmysoul #surrenderedyourlife #surrendered #available #availableforHispurposes #relationship #gift #unselfishgift #greatestgift #humbles #unworthy #spursmeon #grace #mercy #TruthofYourWord #Truth #Fillmeup #blessing