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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Submit, Commit, & Transmit

Mark 16: 15-16 "And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned."

Would you agree with me that by abandoning God, the human race has made earth into a living hell? It seems that these days, in America, people actually have come to approve of what is evil. Everything seems to be reversed. Good is evil and evil is good. Truth is whatever you deem it to be. Ugliness is beauty. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Being gay is glorious and a long standing heterosexual marriage is seen as an oddity. It is a very confusing chaotic scene.

The world says that everything is temporary. God tells us to look to the eternal. The world says that you deserve to be happy. God says that only with Him will you find the abundance of joy that He has promised. The world says you deserve to have it all. God says that without salvation, you deserve death. The world says truth is relative. It might be true for you, but not for me. God says that He is Truth. The world says that you should live like there is no tomorrow. God says that there is a day of judgement.

We have become complacent and desensitized and many have succumb to the lies that the evil one is flagrantly throwing in our faces. Our broken society is filled with broken people and broken relationships. Our homes have been ravaged and torn apart. Think for a moment of the picture that God sees when He views it all from His vantage point, a total glimpse of the hell that He desired to save us from.

All those who suppress the Truth about God and take the glory from God for themselves are spiritually insane. If they will not worship God, they will not become like God, knowing good and evil. They will behave like savages. The intelligence and sophistication of our society has dramatically dumbed us down to the Truth of the gospel so much that we worship the created instead of the creator.

The Answer: Jesus Christ God has provided the Way, the Truth and the Life through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the only hope in this world. He is the antidote to all the evil of this day and age and it would behoove us, as believers, to bring forth the Truth of the gospel at every opportunity that is presented to us. The Challenge: Stop and submit to our Lord and Savior, pause, pray and commit to sharing wherever He leads and then faithfully go and transmit the "Good News" to those that need to hear. God is about the saving business but He desires to use us in the process. We have been called to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. How will you respond to the call?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I surrender all to you at this very moment. Forgive me for shying away from confrontation, it is hard for me to engage others regarding my faith. I want to be about Your business, I want to be used by You to share the "Good News" with those You send my way but I know that on my own I'm incapable. Please empower Your Holy Spirit to embolden me to step out of my comfort zone and talk to people. Help me to take an interest in others and develop a relationship with them so that You can use me in their lives. I'm willing. May my life be a written letter from You to everyone I encounter and I pray that You would shine so brightly through me that people are drawn to take a second look. My eyes have seen Your glorious nature. I've experienced You and know You and I'm eager to share with the world how Your love covered a multitude of sins. Blessed be Your name.

In Jesus Name,


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