1 Corinthians 2:16 "“‘For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?’ But we have the mind of Christ.”
What exactly does it mean to say that we have the mind of Christ? It means that we look at people and situations from Jesus point of view, having His desires, His passions, and His values in mind. When we have the mind of Christ we think according to what God thinks and not in agreement with the ways of the world. We share the same perspective with Him regarding humility, salvation, compassion, and dependence on God.
So, how in the world is this possible? When we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, then we are saved from eternal damnation. It is at this point that the Holy Spirit is deposited in us and reveals the mind of Christ to us so that we can discern what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. The Believer now lives a life under God's influence. No one can know the thoughts of God except by the Holy Spirit, therefore; it is impossible for the unbeliever to be Christ minded.
In 1 Corinthians Paul is comparing the spiritual man with the natural man, the Believer with the unbeliever. When we have the mind of Christ it is in contrast to the wisdom of the unbeliever. It involves the wisdom of God which the Bible tells us is often hidden and cannot be understood by those who do not embody the Holy Spirit. In having the Holy Spirit we have wisdom and discernment regarding spiritual matters, those things that are meaningful to God.
The Bible describes several things that Jesus values and in having the mind of Christ, Believers should value them as well. A desire to bring glory to God (John 17:5). A longing to bring sinners to salvation (Luke 19:10). A perspective on obedience and humility (Philippians 2:5-8). A compassionate heart ( Matthew 9:36). Prayerful dependence on God (Luke 5:16).
As Believers in Jesus Christ we should always look for the Holy Spirit's leading in all that we say and do. We have a responsibility to allow Him to renew our minds and transform our lives!
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for my salvation. Thank you that Your Holy Spirit resides within me and is always prompting me toward thinking like You. I do want to think like You, I want to love like You. I want to live my life in such a way that is a reflection of all of who You are. Please forgive me for the times that I race around frantically making decisions and doing things without including you. I need Your direction and Your leading. Empower me to think and act like You at all times. Help me to slow down, to pause, before I proceed with anything and run it by You first and then listen to Your wisdom and direction. I am sure there are many things that I do that are unnecessary and not important in the grand scheme of things. You are to be my all in all and I want to strive to be all that You desire me to be!
In Jesus Name,
#mindofChrist #mindoftheLord #Jesuspointofview #Hisdesires #Hispassions #Hisvalues #waysoftheworld #sameperspectivewithHim #humility #salvation #compassion #dependenceonGod #confesswithourmouths #believeinourhearts #Godraisedhimfromthedead #HolySpirit #revealsthemindofChrist #true #noble #right #pure #lovely #admirable #excellent #praiseworthy #Godsinfluence #thoughtsofGod #HolySpiritunbeliever #Christminded #1Corinthians #Paul #spiritualman #naturalman #believer #unbeliever #wisdom #wisdomofGod #cannotbeunderstood #embodytheHolySpirit #discernment #spiritualmatters #meaningfultoGod #Jesusvalues #desiretobringglorytoGod #longingtobringsinnerstosalvation #perspectiveonobedienceandhumily #compassionateheart #HolySpiritsleading #responsibility #renewourminds #transformourlives #HolySpiritresideswithinme #p0rompting #love #livemylife #reflection #forgiveme #direction #leading #empowerme #slowdown #pause #grandschemeofthings #Amen