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Corruption Breeds Corruption

Tamela Sue Wies

1 Corinthians 15:33 "Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character."

In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians he was advising them to be very careful not to be misguided by the false teachers that were in their midst. These people were teaching that their was no life after death (no resurrection) and the Corinthian people were confused and being led astray.

He warned them that bad company corrupts good character and I think that we would be good to heed his advice today. It is very important that we are very cautious with whom we form close relationships, especially with those outside the church. Our close association with them could cause the most faithful believer's walk with the Lord to be affected and their witness to the world to be compromised. I read a quote the other day that clearly speaks to this situation, "He who frequents the company of bad or corrupt men will soon be as they are." Corruption breeds corruption. It starts innocent enough with pleasing conversation but the more time that is spent amidst their worldly influence, the more our faith begins to weaken and be compromised. Their worldly behavior soon becomes the norm for us. Man's spiritual life usually takes the shape of his environment. The books he reads, the social atmosphere he lingers in and the business tactics he participates in all form a part of the character and the belief system that he embodies.

I am definitely not saying that we should disassociate ourselves with unbelievers because if we did that then the whole premise of Christianity would be for naught. We are to follow Christ's example in loving others. What I am saying is that our closest most intimate relationships should be with fellow Christians who share the same beliefs and live by the same biblical standards. They are the ones who will hold our feet to the fire and reign us back in when we begin to wander off course.

So what are we to do when associating with people of the world. Paul tells us at the end of chapter 15 in verse 58. “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” We must be strong in our convictions, never waver in our faith, and continue to have a close relationship with Jesus Christ and other believers so that their influence trumps anything else that may try to make it's way into our core being.

Peter sums it up well in his letter to the Christians in Asia Minor by telling us to be on guard. "In all things, we are to be “self-controlled and alert” because our “enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I love you. I want to live for you but I'm not so naive as to think I can do this on my own. I welcome Your Holy Spirit to continue to give me wisdom and guidance in all areas of my life. Protect me, Lord, from any evil influence that may try to invade my way of thinking. Give me wisdom and discernment in the choices that I make in regards to my closest friends. May they be godly people who live faithfully by Your standards and stand firm on the Truth of Your Word. Should there be anything in my life that is not pleasing to You, please bring it to the forefront and help me to lay it down at Your feet. I want to be all about Your business with no distractions. I pray Your will to be done in my life now and forever more.

In Jesus Name,



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