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Things May Not Be What They Seem

Tamela Sue Wies

Psalm 119:11 "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

I am always mesmerized when I have an opportunity to watch illusionists. They are very entertaining and I seem to be left yearning to figure out how in the world they were able to use their slight of hand to make things seem as something they were most definitely not. The world calls them magicians; however, early on my husband would always encourage me to call them what they were, Illusionists. Illusions are misperceptions or figments of the imagination. It is a distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the human brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation.

The Bible talks about illusions early on in Genesis 3:1 when the serpent was conversing with Eve. The evil one knows scripture, He knows what God said but he coerces Eve into changing her perception of what God had said. He is a master at trickery and deception! It is vital that we know scripture or he may twist our minds like Eve so that we do not recognize the wrong in what we are doing. He will use pride, frustration, anxiety, insecurity, loneliness or even fear to change our perspective on God's Word and to lead us into making wrong choices or bad decisions.

satan whispers, "Your worried." God says, "Cast all your cares upon me." satan says, "You are afraid." God says, "I didn't give you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline." satan whispers, "You are lonely." God says, "Never will I leave you or forsake you." satan says, "You can not do it." God says, "You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength." And I could give many more examples. . .

satan works overtime trying to change our perception of the Truth in our circumstances. He will always try to discourage us and lead us into disobedience. We must guard our hearts, my friends, and hide God's Word in our hearts so that we are familiar with it. God's Word is the standard through which we measure the Truth in each and every situation. Don't be deceived, things are not always as they seem!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Lord, we get weary and worn down and satan rushes in to kill and destroy. He is sneaky and deceptive and I know that he is lurking just to trip me up at any weak moment. There have been times when I've fallen prey to his ways but I don't want to go down those paths any longer. I want to know You, the Truth of Your Word and the power of Your resurrection. Forgive me for the ignorance of my ways and please help me to familiarize myself every day with Your Truths. Help me to glean understanding from all that I read and hear. I don't want to take the detours any longer, I want to live according to Your will and Your ways. Help me to stand firm and yield to the sword of Truth when I'm faced with doubt or indecision. Your are my King!

In Jesus Name,


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