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Have Our Liberties Caused Stumbling Blocks?

Tamela Sue Wies

Romans 14:13 "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister."

The longer my husband and I follow Jesus the more we feel like we are living in a foreign land and I guess that is apropos beings that the Bible tells us that we are aliens and strangers just passing through this world. At times we are even puzzled by the decisions and actions by those who claim to be Christians.

Every time something comes up that baffles us regarding our brothers and sisters in Christ we first try to decipher whether or not it's sinful and if it's not sinful then we relegate it to the God file. Anything that is a matter of opinion we l et God deal with in His own way and in His own timing. Paul encourages us in Romans 14 to love and accept one another's point of view. We are told not to quarrel over differences of opinion but to genuinely love others where they are at.

God doesn't want us to be a stumbling block for other believers. If our liberties in Christ encourage a believer to sin against what they believe is wrong then we're causing them to stumble. Our freedoms must be wrapped in care & concern for others. We are to focus on the main points of the gospel and the Truth of God's Word and not give others an occasion to criticize what is justifiable to us. Our responsibility as a mature believer is to consider carefully what might be a hindrance to another believer's faith & growth and then we don't go there so as to not offend.

God works with each of us individually and in His timing He reveals Truth. It is not up to us to play judge and jury. Our best efforts would be spent praying for them and leading by example. Now if we find that the believer's actions are sinful it is a different story that I will expound on another day. May we live in such a way that we cause curiosity among those God has placed in our midst. Who knows, maybe someone will start asking questions and God will give us the freedom to graciously respond.

In Jesus Name,



Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I look back on my life and I thank You for putting people in my life who gently loved me and let God work with me in His own timing and in His own way. I had so much to learn after I first came to know You. Help me to be that kind of gentle and loving influence to the brothers and sisters in Christ that You have placed me with in this season of my life. Help me to be approachable and kind to everyone in my midst and empower me to love at all times. Give me the ability to keep my mouth shut and listen and should You desire for me to speak, may my words be gentle and all of You. I so want to be the fragrance of the knowledge of You wherever I go. All Hail the power of Your name now and forever more.

In Jesus Name,



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