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  • Tamela Sue Wies

The Clock Is Ticking

Romans 1:18-20 "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

Paul is telling us in these verses that God's wrath, His extreme anger, is being revealed to those who don't believe. Since the creation of the world He has made His eternal power and divine nature very clearly known to them but when He extended His love and invitation to them many turned away & rejected Him. These unbelievers are walking among us every day, they are at the grocery store, in our school system, working along side of us, sitting beside us in the pews and in some instances living with us. The thought of their final destination should break our hearts but do we care enough to share the "Good News" of the gospel with them?

If you are a Believer living in this hour, you should know that your salvation is the greatest gift that you will ever receive. We were destined to eternal death and damnation but God sent His one and only Son to take our place on that cross. He willingly gave of Himself so that we would not have to suffer the consequences of our sin. What an amazing sacrificial gesture! I believe that how we understand the gospel affects how we share it! Do we see this gift as a life changing experience for which we will be eternally grateful or is it just a commitment that seems to keep us in check? If we offer the gospel to others as a good choice that will make them happy then it presents very little urgency and understanding. But if we offer the gospel helping people to understand the depths of our sin and that sin separates us from a living God, then it opens the door to be able to share about our reconciliation to Him through Jesus Christ. We are commanded to go and tell but it shouldn't be looked at as an obligation. We should consider it a privilege to go and share the news of what Jesus Christ has done for us!

Let's say that someone gave you a big box of delicious fresh fruit and they told you to share it with your entire office. How would your co-workers feel if they found that you had kept it all for yourself? Even more consequential, what would the "GIVER" think? We have all been commissioned to share. Freely we have received, freely we should give. Now think of the eternal consequences, are we keeping the good news of Jesus to ourselves, or are we joyously sharing the gospel at every opportunity with a contagious enthusiasm? The clock is ticking, God's patience will run out. Let's boldly answer the call and share the good news of our faith so that others might be able to join us in glory.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord ,

How can I say thanks for all that You have done for me? You took my place on that cross which I realize was excruciating! You suffered and died so that I might live and I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life. Obviously, satan would love nothing better than for me to sit on the "Good News" of the gospel and keep it for myself. He squelches my enthusiasm and hinders my passion. I want to be obedient. I want to share Your story within mine but I need Your help. Please empower the Holy Spirit to embolden me to share at ever opportunity. Give me a love for others that knows no bounds and an urgency to share with everyone You give me opportunity too. I want to be about Your business in the days that I have left on this earth. I glorify Your name and pray that Your will be done in and through me. Please free me to unapologetically share my faith with others.

In Jesus Name,


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