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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Your Spouse Is NOT The Enemy

Genesis 2:24 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh". (One Team)

Thankfully my husband and I were able to get away alone a few weekends ago for a little respite which doesn't happen very often. We chose to attend a Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference in a city close by and we had a wonderful, relaxing few days together. Just like our automobiles, our marriage can use a good tune up every so often and we intentionally take the time to make sure that we are communicating and heading in the same direction.

One of the main points that we came away with from the retreat was this, "Your Spouse Is Not The Enemy". Now I know that every marriage has it's challenges from time to time, but they challenged us to stop when frustrations intensify to remember that our spouses are not competitors but that they actually are on our team (As the scripture says, you are now one team, not two). We have the home advantage! What a novel thought! There are times when we may feel that they might be the enemy but biblically speaking there is no truth to that.

The evil one would love nothing better than to dig his teeth into our marriage relationships and cause a rift, a separation or even an end to the precious institution that God deems holy. He and his henchmen roam and slither around seeking to devour and destroy all that is good and will worm their way in anywhere at any time tempting, trying, distracting, and even distorting our views until they've garnered a foot hold. We can not afford to let them take any yardage. We've got to be team players and we must yield to God's game plan so as not to let the real enemy win. Every decision that is made by either teammate during the day should be made in the context of "Is this something that is going to help our team or hurt it"? "Is this something that will benefit our team or cause our team to fumble and fall apart?"

I have to admit that after God, my husband is my biggest priority, my best friend and God intended it to be that way. No one, and I mean no one or nothing for that matter, not the children, not the grandchildren, not my mother, not my closest friends any event or household responsibility come before my precious husband. God has given me an amazing gift in this man that I do not take for granted. He cherishes our team and if he wants to spend time together then by golly I will drop everything and make the time. We value our team and we both strive to have a selfless, sacrificial and giving spirit so as to make sure that our team is aligned with God's design for His ultimate glory. If you find yourself struggling I want to strongly urge you to seek help. There are many resources available as well as many mature godly couples who would love to sit down and meet with you. Your marriage is too important not invest in.

What is your team's standing in the playoffs? Do you need to go back to the huddle and change your game plan?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for loving me, Lord. Thank you for giving me life and breath and allowing me to wake up this morning and begin a new day. There are times, Lord, that I feel defeated when it comes to my marriage. It seems like I can't do anything right. I entered into this marriage and made a commitment to stay until the end and I know that this is what you intend. I want a marriage that is designed according to Your plans. I know I can't go back and start over but I want to start anew. Please forgive me for all the mistakes I've made and I pray that when I sit down with my spouse that You will prepare their heart to hear me. Help me to genuinely communicate my desires and seek forgiveness. Speak through me to passionately reveal my undivided loyalty. If my priorities need to change then I pray that You would show me and allow me to be able to put my words into action. Lord, I want an intimate relationship with my spouse and no longer want to live empty and alone. I surrender my whole being to be able to make this a reality and I pray that You would create something beautiful and new between us.

In Jesus Name,


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