2 Corinthians 2:14 "But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere."
Paul was confident of ultimate victory and he would not quit. He forged on in his ministry sure of the grace and the mercy of God. Instead of complaining in what he was lacking or in his present circumstances, he rejoiced in what he did have. He had seen the power of God at work in his life and he knew that God would see Him through.
We too can know that victory. You might say, we have no way of knowing the future which in a sense is true; however, there are a few things that we know for certain and these things should have an impact on the way we live in the present. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 15 that when Christ Jesus returns all Believers will have resurrected bodies and death will finally be defeated for good because of His redemptive work. Because we know these future facts, life should be worth living and all of the decisions we make should be with that in mind. Since Christ has freed us from the fear of death, emptied death of it's power and given us the promise of resurrected bodies then we should live in light of that reality, eternity bound.
Our goal should be to continue in the work of the Gospel, giving when we can knowing that our treasures will come upon Christ's return. We must labor on, spreading the knowledge of Him where ever He leads and keep fighting against temptation, keep praying for an unbelieving spouse, keep abstaining from sexual immorality, be willing to move across the country if it means being able to share the gospel or caring for our elderly parents even when the difficulty is mounting. We should give when it seems unrealistic, serve when it seems impossible, help when gratitude is lacking and do anything that makes no sense in this earthly realm. Why? Because we know that nothing we do in the Lord's name and for His Kingdom is in vain.
Instead of death constantly standing over us, we too can say, "Oh Death, where is your victory. Oh Death, where is your sting." (1 Corinthians 15:55) Like Paul, as a believer in Jesus Christ, for us, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21) Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I believe. I know your Word is Truth and Life. I know that You are true to Your promises and that Your Kingdom will have no end; however, there are times when life here on earth gets hard. It's exhausting trying to always do good, always do right especially when I know that all the world is watching me, as a Christian, and hoping I fail. I pray that You would supernaturally strengthen my body to be able to withstand all that life demands of me and that You would do through me all that needs to be done. I don't want recognition. My desire is to glorify You in all things. Help me to continue to press on and fight the good fight, not leaving anyone in my path unknowing of the Truth of Your Word. May my life exude Your love and Your peace to everyone I come in contact with.
In Jesus Name,
#eternitybound #eternity #2Corinthians #leadsus #Christstriumphalprocession #spreadthearoma #knowledgeofHim #ultimatevictory #wouldnotquit #ministry #grace #mercy #presentcircumstances #rejoiced #powerofGod #victory #knowingthefuture #Bible #ChristJesus #Believer #Believers #resurrectedbodies #death #defeated #redemptivework #decisions #Christhasfreedus #fearofdeath #gospel #treasures #Christsreturn #laboron #spreadingtheknowlegeofHim #temptation #abstainingfromsexualimmorality #sharethegospel #caringforourelderlyparents #imp9ossible #gratitude #earthlyrealm #Lordsname #HisKingdom #deathvictory #Paul #believer #Philippians #nameoftheLord #believe #WordisTruth #Life #promises #Yourkingdom #earthgetshard #exhausting #alwaysdoright #Christian #supernaturally #strengthen #glorify #presson #fightthegoodfight #TruthofYourWord #Yourlove #Yourpeace