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Tamela Sue Wies

To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo

Leviticus 19:28 "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord."

Tattoos have become the norm in our modern society and 1 out of every 5 adults have at least 1 tattoo. They create quite a controversy among Christians because no one really knows what the Bible says regarding them. One thing is for sure, they do catch your eye and get your attention!

Many Christian groups site Leviticus 19:28 saying that tattoos are a sin; however, if you look a little closer and put the scripture in context it really doesn't address the issue of modern day tattoos. The Bible doesn't really say anything clear or direct about them. I know that this is probably not a popular view but I'm stating truth. God's Word does not say that tattooing is a sin.

The background to this law comes from ancient history. The Egyptians were known to tattoo but usually only on women and it was done suggesting that it aided in fertility. In Canaan evidence shows that their tattooing was more extreme using practices as slashes, gashing and branding. This was a pagan culture and they would use tattooing in ritualistic ceremonies to mourn their dead and honor their gods thus came the scripture in Leviticus 19:28 "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves."

In light of this history it would appear that God was frowning on scarification rather than tattooing as we see it done today. All this to say that even though there is no clear teaching on this practice we still need to keep a few things in mind and think before we ink:

1. Modification? We are transforming something God said was perfect. How far will you go to change His creation?

2. Motive? Rebellion, Artistry, or To Glorify God and Not Yourself?

3. Modesty? Are we seeking to promote ourselves or God? Placement is important so as to not attract attention.

4. Misconception? Are you willing to throw yourself to the wolves? There will be those who judge you not knowing the truth.

5. Marketability? Will it prevent you from being hired?

6. Message? What message are you trying to relay? Make sure you won't regret your decision in the future. This permanent.

7. Money? Is this the wisest use of God's money?

8. Medical Concerns? The skin is opened and introduced to new bacteria. Beware!

If you've considered all these questions and still feel the need to go ahead, it is not a sin. Don't make your decision hastily or without consulting a mature Christian first. Think Before You Ink. Remember, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

For those who don't like tattoos, who are we to judge a brother or sister in Christ when the Bible gives no clear guidance on this issue. We are called to look beyond our differences and genuinely love one another. And think about this. God has a tattoo of you on the palm of His hand! Isaiah 49:16 "See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me." The blueprints of our lives are engraved on His hands and are always right in front of His face! Wow!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I am humbled that You have engraved me on the palm of Your hands, that I am never out of Your sight and am always in Your thoughts. Forgive me for judging or condemning my brothers and sisters in Christ regarding this tattooing issue. Help me to look beyond our differences and genuinely love all people You send my way. I know that tattoos and things like this don't faze you or bother You one bit because You are looking at our hearts. I too want to be able to look through Your eyes and see what You see. I want to be able to see things from Your perspective and love like You love. Use me however You will today to make a difference not only in the Kingdom but in the lives of people as well.

In Jesus Name,


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