Acts 28:30-31 “For two whole years Paul stayed there in a house he rented and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord.”
Paul was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans. They examined him and wanted to release him because they could find no cause for arrest; however, the Jews objected. It was at that time that he decided to appeal to Caesar because he had done nothing wrong and they set sail for Rome. It was an arduous journey because of the storms but upon arriving in Rome he was allowed to rent a house and live by himself under guard. He continued to preach in Rome under house arrest for 2 whole years.
These were not easy times for Paul. He talks of being in chains at times and wrote that there were many who didn’t like what he was preaching. What occurred to me while reading this account was that despite Paul’s many hardships he continued to share the “Good News” of the Gospel where ever he went. He endured much more pain and suffering than we will probably ever experience, yet he didn’t give in to the woe is me mentality. He pressed on and was resolute in his calling. He was determined!
I wonder how many times we give up or give in when the going gets tough? I wonder how quickly we curl up and escape reality at the first onset of tribulation? None of us like troubling times; however, I was reminded today that God uses those times to strengthen us, to perfect us, and to refine us. It doesn’t feel good, in fact it often hurts but every loss or troubling time that God allows is purposed for a reason and He often uses them to strengthen us, to prepare us for a future venture and to minister to others.
As Paul, I pray that no matter what we are going through, we will be able to boldly and without hindrance stand firm in our faith and continue to point people toward the Kingdom of God! Press on, dear friend, and rest in God's steadfast and unchanging love.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
When our hearts are heavy remind us of your steadfast love. When our lives get difficult, remind us that You suffered that we might live. When the road is rocky, remind us that You have promised to be with us every step of the way and will carry us if You have too. Bring to our mind all those times that You’ve delivered us in the past and reassure us of Your faithfulness. May You bring peace to our souls that You know what You are doing and help us to rest in You. Open wide our eyes and give us an unrelenting heart to share Your Story at every opportunity in the midst of all that is happening.
In Jesus Name,
#Pressingon #hardships #Paul #boldly #withouthindrance #preachedtheKingdomofGod #Jerusalem #romans #Jews #appealtoCaesar #donenothingwrong #Rome #journey #storms #underguard #housearrest #beinginchains #sharetheGoodNews #Gospel #endured #suffering #woeismentality #pressedon #resoluteinhiscalling #determined #givein #giveup #goinggetstough #escapereality #tribulation #troublingtimes #strengthen #perfect #refine #purposedforareason #prepareus #ministertoothers #boldlywithouthindrance #standfirm #faithKingdomofGod #restinGodssteadfastandunchanginglove #love #difficult #rocky #promised #carryus #faithfulness #peace #restinYou #openwideoureyes #unrelentingheart #YourStory #Jesus #Amen