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Truth Walks Barefoot/Lies Keep Switching Shoes

Tamela Sue Wies

John 14:6 "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

What do coffee, metal containers, nylon, silk, bicycles, gasoline, shoes, and rubber have in common? These are all commodities that were in great demand during World War II. Some of these items were needed to help the war effort and some were rationed to make sure that everyone had opportunity to purchase what they needed during the turbulent times.

During these modern times oil is a commodity that is in great demand; however, I want to talk about something that is even in greater demand and more valuable. We live in an age where truthfulness is hard to come by. In every aspect of our lives the truth is spun a little differently. White lies are told, news is spun, people craft a message, tell fabrications, cook up spinach, and practice deceit all to make sure that their agenda is put forward or they themselves are recognized. However, the Bible tells us that there is Truth and as Christ Followers, if we know the Truth, the Truth will set us free. (John 8: 31-32)

So what is Truth? I think the better question to ask is, Who is Truth? Jesus Christ is the source of all Truth! He is credibly correct in all situations. He is the standard to which we should all conform. He premised many of his teachings with, "I tell you the truth", so He is the most reliable source we can glean from.

The only way we will grow in the Lord is if we ask God to reveal Truth to us in His Word, if we embrace that Truth, and then live it out in our daily lives. We must seek after the Truth and protect it. Practice it, cultivate it, ruminate on it, and never let it go. It may appear that You are the last man standing and a freak show in this world, but I assure you, we reap what we sow. God will always honor our truthfulness and honesty. May we be known by the integrity of our ways and our unyielding, sacrificial love.

Liars run sprints but Truths run marathons.

Truth walks barefoot and in peace but Lies keep switching shoes.


Dear Lord,

You are our constant in this world where everything is always changing. Thank You for Your faithfulness to us. I pray, Lord, that You would give us a veracious hunger for Truth always and heighten our senses so that we are never comfortable when we hear otherwise. Give us discernment to recognize when we are being lied to and manipulated and protect us from those that would try to steer us into anything other than Truth. May our names and character be associated with truthfulness and honesty in all situations. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and because of You, we can stand before our Father in heaven. What a beautiful picture of amazing grace!

In Jesus Name,


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