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Do Not Lose Heart

Tamela Sue Wies

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is."

Paul was resolutely writing to the Christians in Corinth at this time encouraging them to persevere and not to lose heart. He was trying to help them to understand that the troubles they were facing could not compare to all that lie ahead of them in glory. And of all people, I'm sure that Paul's situation completely resonated with them. They knew of his suffering because of his faith in Jesus and were praying for him. Because of his witness and his experiences, he knew they could greatly benefit from his perspective.

He wrote that they were all wasting away. It's a reality that the moment we are born we begin the processing of dying. Our bodies are wasting away, they are decaying and the day will come when we will be no more. Our inner bodies; however, tell a different story. Our inner nature is being renewed day by day, fashioned to exemplify the likeness of Christ. The unique thing about these two processes is that they are occurring simultaneously. At the same time Paul was experiencing hardships and discouragement, he was experiencing spiritual success and he wanted to make sure that the Believers understood this concept.

Paul looked to God for his inspiration and determination. He knew that by fixing his eyes on Jesus that his pain and suffering would be minimized. I remember many times when our children were little and they needed to get their vaccinations, I would always try to distract them by helping them to focus on something else. Somehow if they focused on something other than the situation, the pain of the shot was minimal. Someone once said that the power to persevere comes from gazing intently at what you can’t see and I think that this holds true. Paul tells his readers that as Believers, we are to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. As humans, it often seems that if we know that what we are doing involves a greater purpose or leads to brighter future, then it makes the situation more palatable or easier to get through. Our focus is on something other than what we are dealing with at the present time.

Dear friend, I pray that despite what you are facing at this present time that you will not lose heart. Fix your eyes on Jesus and know that He loves you. Your present situation is a part of His plan. He will see you through this as you trust Him and lean not on your own understanding.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Life is hard and when trials and struggles come it seems to compound my frustrations even more. I am choosing today to lay everything at your feet and look beyond my present circumstances. I surrender my own will and desire that Your will be done in this situation. I know that You love me and I know that You deeply care about my well being. Though I don't understand the purpose for all this, I am choosing to trust You. It doesn't make sense to me; however, I know that You have a purpose in all things so I'm going to look beyond the obvious and look forward to what You have in store. Help me to be patient and wait on You through it all. I want to be able to look back and show others how You worked out all things for good and for Your glory. I praise You for being all knowing, all powerful, and omnipresent making it possible to handle more than I can ever fathom. I give myself wholeheartedly to You.

In Jesus Name,


#2Corinthians #donotloseheart #heart #wastingaway #outwardly #inwardly #renewed #lightandmomentarytroubles #eternalglory #outeighs #sixoureyes #whatisseen #whatisunseen #temporary #resolutely #writing #Christians #Corinth #encouraging #persever #understand #troubles #Pauls #Paulssituation #suffering #faith #Jesus #praying #witness #experiences #greatlybenefit #processingofdying #bodies #decaying #innerbodies #innernature #fashioned #exemplify #likenessofChrist #uniquething #simultaneously #hardships #discouragement #spiritualsuccess #Believers #understoodthisconcept #Paul #inspiration #determination #fixinghiseyesonJesus #painandsuffering #children #vaccinations #focusonsomethingelse #situation #shot #minimal #powertopersever #power #gazing #intently #holdstrue #Believerspalatable #easiertogetthrough #presenttime #friend #despite #facing #loseheart #Helovesyou #trustHim #leannotonyourownunderstanding #prayer #lifeishard #trials #struggles #compound #frustrations #today #layeverythingatyourfeet #presentcircumstances #surrender #surrendermyownwill #Yourwillbedone #Youloveme #Youdeeplycare #Idontunderstand #Iamchoosing #trustYou #Itdoesntmakesense #Youhaveapurpose #obvious #lookforward #looikbeyond #patient #helpme #lookback #showothers #Youworkedoutallthings #good #forYourglory #IpraiseYou #allknowing #allpowerful #omnipresent #Igivemyself #wholeheartedly #InJesusName #Amen

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