2 Corinthians 7:1 "Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."
Chapter 7:1 is referencing a few of God's promises which were stated at the end of chapter 6: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” What a beautiful endearing picture I have in my mind of God as my heavenly Father, a loving, personal, intimate close relationship.
No one can earn a relationship with our loving God. Salvation is a free gift that is given to you when you ask Jesus Christ to be in complete control of your life and you choose to turn from your wicked ways. At this point He makes you into a new creation and your beautiful journey of faith with Your heavenly Father begins. Paul was writing here to Believers who had already professed their faith in Jesus. He was encouraging them to continue to grow, to study and learn more so they would understand the truths of the faith and be able to walk it out.
Paul is stressing the importance of living a life holy and pleasing to God, a life that is separated for God. The thought isn't to separate oneself from people which is not biblical but to live a life that takes into consideration all of who God is and what He desires. It is a life that is pure, uncompromising, and available for God to use however and whenever. Impure thoughts, wrong motives, unethical actions and shameful words would most undoubtedly affect a relationship with Him as our holy God. He even tells us himself in 1 Peter 1:16 to "be holy as I am holy." He desires for us to be a reflection of who He is.
Paul longs for his brothers and sisters in Christ to understand their need to be holy but he is careful too not to command them or make any demands. Notice how he included himself in his writing by saying "We". As always, I'm sure that he continued his prayers for them in hopes that God would further impress these truths on their hearts so they would not only know the truths but that their lives would glorify God in the process.
I love Paul's gentle spirit and his do as I do attitude rather than do as I say. We would make far better advances in the Kingdom if we would all live out our faith in every aspect of our lives rather than trying to preach, criticize and condemn people into the Kingdom. Who do you know that might need a little encouragement or support in walking out their faith?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
You are the God of all creation, the God of the earth, wind and the sky. You are the Master of the universe and control the comings and goings of all. I am but a speck on the horizon of Your endeavors and can't imagine why You would even desire to have a relationship with little ole me! But, eagerly I am shouting from the mountain tops that You have chosen to love me. Me, I am not perfect, I am not the most beautiful or the most intelligent of Your creation yet You've shown Your faithfulness to me over and over and over again. Show me where I need to change to be more like You. Please don't ever let up on me, don't let me be drawn away by a passing desire or a fleeting passion. I desire to be pure and holy, representing You to anyone You send my way. Help me to be a picture of Your undying love and the fragrance of Your compassion to this lost and dying world.
In Jesus Name,
#beholyasIamholy #holy #2Corinthians #promises #dearfriends #friends #purify #body #spirit #holinessreverenceforGod #God #Godspromises #livewiththem #walkamongthem #separate #nouncleanthing #Father #sonsanddaughters #endearing #beautiful #heavenlyFather #loving #personal #intimate #close #relationship #lovingGod #salvation #freegift #JesusChrist #wickedways #newcreation #beautifuljourneyoffaith #professedtheirfaith #encouraging #grow #tostudy #learn #understand #truths #faith #walkitout #livingalifeholyandpleasingtoGod #separated #biblical #pure #uncompromised #available #imprethoughts #wrongmotives #unethicalactions #shamefulwords #reflection #brothers #sister #command #demands #We #prayershearts #glorifyGod #gentlespirit #Paul #Kingdom #preach #criticize #condemn