Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Dale Carnegie was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of the famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. He claims credit in writing the most authoritative book on how to get along with people. Really? I believe that the Bible holds that claim; however, in his writing, it is said that he totally ignored the Truth of God’s Word which was written well before his time.
Mr. Carnegie can add nothing new to God’s Word which he tried to ignore. Through his research and writing, his first principle in the book stated that we shouldn't criticize, condemn or complain if we are going to get along with people. This was nothing new as the apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.."
It’s interesting that the word that Paul uses for unwholesome actually means rotten. When something is rotten it stinks to high heavens and it negatively affects anything it makes contact with. You’re thinking yuck, right, well the same thing happens to us as Christians when unwholesome talk is dispensed out of our mouths, it negatively affects all within earshot. It doesn’t take much effort to see that using rotten, unwholesome words is very destructive. When our attitudes are critical, belittling and condemning, our speech will be a reflection of all of what's going on inside our hearts.
As children of the King, we've been commissioned to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ. We are to be a conduit through which the Holy Spirit works to give others a glimpse of who God is. Our tongues, a paint brush wielding words from our hearts reflecting His character. The picture our speech portrays should be a charismatic portrait of the knowledge of Christ and His unfailing love.
When unflattering or unwholesome talk comes from our mouths it causes confusion in the ear of the listener. If we condemn or are critical of others yet claim to love Jesus, we are painting confusing unrecognizable scenes. People hear one thing but have been told another. The picture that they see is filled with mixed chaotic scribbling and literally leaves them with an unclear and warped idea of who God is.
What kind of painting is on display in your life?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
Forgive me when I speak without weighing the effect of my words. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would so infiltrate my heart and mind that thought patterns would begin to change which will be evident by the words I speak. Give me wisdom in all situations and discernment to structure my speech to those who are listening. May every utterance from my mouth glorify Your name and edify all who are listening. May the meditations of my heart and mind be acceptable to You!
In Jesus Name,
#picture #speech #Ephesians #unwholesome #unwholesometalk #mouths #helpful #buildingothersup #accordingtotheirneeds #needs #beneift #listen #DaleCarnegie #Americanwriter #lecturer #developer #famouscourses #selfimprove #selfimprovement #salesmanship #corporatetraining #publicspeaking #interpersonalskills #authoritativebook #getalongwtihpeopleBible #writing #ignoredthetruth #truth #thruthofGodsWord #written #MrCarnegie #GodsWord #research #principle #criticize #condemn #complain #getalongwithpeople #people #apostlePaul #Paul #Ephesianshelpful #buildingup #interestnig #rotten #stinks #highheavens #negativelyaffects #destructive #attitudes #critical #beliettling #reflection #insideourhearts #children #King #commissioned #ambassadors #JesusChrist #conduit #HolySpirit #tongues #paintbrush #wieldingwords #reflectingHischaracter #confusion #earofthelistener #pciture #mixedchaoticmessages #mixed #chaotic #messages #unclear #warped #idea #painting #display #life #Forgive #forgiveme #speak #weighing #effectofmywords #infiltrate #heart #mind #thoughtpatterns #change #evident #wordsIspeak #Givemewisdom #situations #discernment #structuremyspeech #listening #utterance #glorify #glorifyYourname #edify #meditations #acceptabletoYou