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Tamela Sue Wies

He Died For Ours Sins Not Our Satisfaction

Luke 9:23-24 "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.”

There are a lot of people going to church these days with an attitude of "What's In It For Me?". Maybe I'm being too harsh but after listening to many people who profess to be Christians complain, it only solidified the notion that we do live in a consumer driven society. These so called Christians don't contribute to the fellowship yet criticize every little thing that doesn't appease or please them. They are expecting flawless worship, entertaining sermons, perfect staff, exciting youth programs, a beautiful atmosphere, dynamic classes with charismatic teaching and a comfortable place to take it all in. My conjecture is that they are coming to church with the wrong attitude.

When something doesn't go right in their opinion or they become disappointed, the consumer aspect rares it's head and they feel as though they are entitled to something more or better. They eventually will leave and seek to find the next best situation. Unfortunately, it is a never ending process as they will never find a "perfect church with perfect people". What is even worse is that often church leaders respond to the crux of the matter by seeking to cater to this consumer mentality. Instead of a Christ-centered focus they work towards growth in attendance, pleasing their people and a popular position in the community yearning for power and influence,

The truth is that Jesus was not popular. He was the epitome of humbleness and meekness (strength under control). He was giving and forgiving. He gave of Himself sacrificially and He desires the same from us. Jesus said, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it” (Luke 9:23-24) Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins not our satisfaction. He calls us to trust Him and live a life of complete surrender to His will and His ways, an others focused faith rather than a self-fulfilling venture.

The Christian life is a sort of backwards way of living because we've been conditioned all our lives as consumers to seek the best and to look out for ourselves first. As Believers in Jesus Christ we are called to sacrifice, to serve, to give, to love, to help, to protect, to assist, to create, to support, etc. As Christian's, we're to be contributors not complainers, Christianity is supposed to lead us to the cross. Consumerism leads to a lifestyle that is comfortable, self-centered and safe.

Have you been crucified with Christ or are you seeking satisfaction from the world?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Heaven help me if I've gotten comfortable and complacent. Forgive me. Give me the unction to step out in faith and seek to emulate you in all things. Show me how to not only give financially but to give of my time and invest in Your Kingdom work. Open my hands and my heart and give me a willingness to do my part. There are so many things calling my name that it gets overwhelming but I want to be able to set myself aside to be used by You. Show me where there is a need so that I can come along side and give my all. I long for an opportunity to serve in Your name and make a difference.

In Jesus Name,


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