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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Relationship vs. Religion

I want to try to write in such a way that I prompt you to think on this subject with discernment and clarity. "Relationship vs. Religion" You may be thinking, I've got this, that is an easy one. Well, humor me this morning and read on. People use these two words interchangeably but they have very different meanings.

Do you believe that Jesus calls His Followers to seek converts to "Christianity"? Respectfully, many would say yes, but I beg to differ. I believe that He calls His Followers to introduce people to a person so that they can cultivate a relationship with Him. There is a big difference. Conversion is a process based on religion while Jesus asked people to "Follow" Him, He was inviting people into a relationship with Him. "Relationship" denotes intimacy while "Religion" alludes to a system of faith, cult or denomination.

Jesus' disciples asserted that they were followers of the "Way" rather than announcing that they were members of a new religious group, We know that the Bible says that Jesus is "The Way" and the disciples committed to following Him and exemplifying His ways. I don't recall the disciples ever asking people to become Christians but they lived their faith in front of others and sought to give people an opportunity to meet Jesus, believe in Him and follow Him. In the book of John, verse 29, Phillip was telling Nathaniel that they had found the One that people called Jesus. Nathaniel said, "Can any good come out of Nazareth?" Phillip replied, "Come and See", not, you need to come and hear about Christianity. They were all about introducing people to the person who they dearly loved who had made a difference in their lives.

If Jesus' followers didn't ask people to convert to a religion or adopt religious practices then we definitely shouldn't either. Being citizens of God's Kingdom has nothing to do conforming to religious practices or aligning ourselves with a specific religion - it is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. The Gospel seeks to draw people into a relationship with their creator and provide an opportunity for them to follow Him.

If you are a Believer and a Follower of Jesus Christ then the Bible commands you to go and tell others about the One you've come to know who has made a difference in Your life. If you've tasted and seen that He is good then go introduce people to Jesus so they can decide what to do with Him themselves.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I love You. I look back at my life and am thankful for the difference that You have made. You've walked and talked with me for years now and what a story I have to tell! My life is all about You and I pray that You would give me an urgency and an enthusiasm to tell your story within mine. I pray that You would continue to give me opportunities to sing Your praises and help me to live in such a way that there is no question as to whom I belong. You are the Way, the Truth and the Light and I want to be able to express it in such a way that people will understand and truly hear. Speak through me, Lord, and give me wisdom and discernment to speak into situations honestly and with care.

In Jesus Name,


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