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Burden Bearing Love

Tamela Sue Wies

Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

To carry one another's burdens literally means to fulfill the law of Christ which means to love one another. It is a sacrificial servant kind of love. Jesus died on the cross and bore the burden of our sins so that we could be one with the Father and we are called to extend that same grace to others. We are to come along side of people in their time of need and do something about it, put some action behind our words, put some depth into the relationship. It is easy to say I'm so sorry, I love you but to really involve ourselves into their situation takes some sacrifice and personal attention.

Someone once explained the concept to me like this, when you carry or bear someone's burden it is like you stake yourself to them until the storm has passed. You stick to them closer than a brother and not only offer them your umbrella but you walk with them through the rain. To truly love is to not only feel their pain but to do something about it. When we think someone might need a ride, we take the initiative to ask them and follow through. When we sense someone is lonely or in need of attention, we take some time to cheer them up and let them know that we care. When we've heard that someone is having trouble financially, we step in to offer financial support. Whatever the burden, we are called to help lift the load.

Paul explains in Galatians 6:10 that we should give priority to Believers first; however, looking at the aspect of fellowship renders a different take on the situation than most are used to. Fellowship is not based on preferences but a bond of the Spirit. Our natural inclination is to help those who are most like us or who we enjoy being with but the Spirit compels us to bear the burdens of others also because we have the common bond of faith. We are to love everyone just as Jesus loved us, therefore, we are to bear their burdens, their sins or their uncleanness, These opportunities to love are not impositions but divine appointments.

No one has ever seen God but if we carry the burdens of those we love, the world will see the effects of His love. Our love will be a witness to God's character and His ways. I can look back over my life and point to various occasions where the church or an individual has stepped in to help alleviate a burden or has financially covered a need in our family and we often didn't even know who it was that was helping. This burden bearing love made a lasting impression on our family and set a precedent for us to follow. These days whenever God brings someone to my mind or lays them on my heart I take action for I've seen the effects of God's love and after you've experienced true love, how can you not give back?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Your bore my burdens willingly and I am forever indebted to You. You took my sin and my sorrow like it was Your own and suffered on my behalf just so You could spend eternity with me. Now that is true love! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I pray that You would enable me to love like You do, that You would help me to look beyond smell and sight and see others through Your eyes. Burden my heart when You desire for me to step in and make a difference and give me the strength and energy to follow through. You have blessed me and I want to reciprocate that love to others. Make me a blessing every where I go and give me the ability to engage people and draw them out. Show me how to form lasting relationships and I ask that You give me the time to nurture them. All hail the power of Your precious name!

In Jesus Name,


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