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Our Omnipotent God

Tamela Sue Wies

2 Peter 1:3 "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence..."

I love the study of words and enjoy pulling them apart to get a better idea of what they mean. This morning the Word "Omnipotent" was brought to my attention. When you pull the word apart, omni means all and potent alludes to power. So if God is omnipotent it means that He is all powerful. The Bible refers to God as Almighty 66 times and it is exclusively used for God, nothing or no one else. We serve a self sufficient, all powerful God. He is able to do absolutely anything that He desires to do if it's consistent with His nature. For example: It is impossible for God to lie so even though He has the power to do something, if it contends with his nature, then He will not do it. Another example: Can God force someone to freely choose to love Him? Of course not. So there are clearly things that God can not do but He is powerful enough to do anything that is logically possible.

Scripture says that He is so powerful that He can hold together all forces of the universe. "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17 We've all seen the devastating effects of the weather. His power is seen in the tsunamis, the earthquakes, the forest fires and the tornadoes and though none of it makes sense to us, God is in control of it all. Because He is God He is able to do whatever He desires. We have to remember that God is good and if He allows something, it is for a specific purpose. We may not be able to see or understand His intent but we have to trust that He knows what He is doing.

Jeremiah 32:27 tells us that there is nothing too difficult for God. "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?" There should never be a question as to whether or not God is able to do something. He will work on our behalf but the question is how will He work? What will His answer be? His answer is often very different from what we are expecting and often a greater plan than anything we could have ever imagined.

God's omnipotence can clearly be seen in the three persons of the trinity. God the Father can do all things. God the Son holds power over all nature, was involved in it's creation and showed God's power in the various miracles He performed while walking on the earth. God the Spirit was involved in creation and empowers Believers to share the Gospel.

His power is everything we need to live a holy life but He doesn't just have power, He has ALL POWER! "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence." (2 Peter 1:3) God created us, sustains us, maintains us and has given us power to live for Him. What more can we ask? What an awesome God we serve!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I have always known that You are all powerful but I've never stopped to think about the fact that You can not do anything that is not consistent with Your will. You are sinless, wise, all knowing and You care about each of us individually, looking out for our best interest at all times. That in itself is an amazing thought. Thank You. Thank you for all that You are to me. I know that You are by my side at all times even when I may seem unaware or inattentive. I know that You are my Provider, my Enabler, and my guide. You've stepped in and redirected my thoughts and my path when my intentions weren't pure and I had lost my way. You are invincible and I know there is no one like You. I don't deserve to even be in Your presence yet You are living in me. The thought of it blows my mind. I want to be more intentional and acknowledge and seek Your opinion in every area of my life from now on. Help me to seek You first in all things and desire Your will instead of my own. I know that if I hadn't taken so many detours that I would definitely have grown more by now; however, I'm ready. Steady my feet and clear my mind because I want my life to be all about You. To God be the glory.

In Jesus Name,


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