Ephesians 1:12-14 "We who first hoped in Christ have been destined and appointed to live for the praise of His glory. In Him you also who have heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your salvation, and have believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, which is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory."
If you watch a married woman long enough you will be able to tell if she is secure in her husband's love. My husband and I have taught marriage classes in the past and a woman who feels secure in her husband's love holds herself upright and walks in confidence as if nothing can dissuade that notion. She is radiant and it is all due to her attentive husband who doesn't hold back his praise and adoration towards her. Every other area in her life may be in turmoil but if she is confident that her husband loves her, look out, she will be able to conquer any feat.
God's greatest desire is that His people feel secure in His power and love for them. Everything else in their lives may be unstable, health, education, family, job, friendships, etc. but if they have a confident peace that He loves them and is working everything for His purpose then they are able to press into Him and trust Him.
So how is it possible to have a deep abiding security in God? We must spend time with Him in His Word. The Bible reveals God's character, His desires for us, and His promises to hold on to. It drives home the fact that God needs to be the foundation from which everything else in our life is built upon. God's Word confirms His love for us over and over and over again.
In Ephesians 1:12-14 we find 2 words that help us to feel secure in God's love and power, the words sealed and guarantee. This passage tells us that God has sent the Holy Spirit into the lives of His own (the Believers) to lock in our faith and validate our sonship. He has taken great steps to give us the confidence that we need to walk in His love. This seal is a guarantee that the Lord will one day come back and finish His business and give us the inheritance that He has promised us. All those who are His will rise to meet Him in the air and go home with Him to glory. This down payment of the Holy Spirit gives us security that the best is yet to come.
The Lord reminds us: " I have chosen you; I have predestined you; I have redeemed you; I have sealed you by my Spirit. Your inheritance is sure because I am passionately committed to magnify the glory of my grace in your salvation." We can walk in confidence knowing that the Almighty God of the universe passionately loves us and lives in us.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
My soul floods with joy because you have chosen to love me! I know that the price You paid for my pardon cost You immensely and I want to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. I am nothing without You and I realized years ago that I need You. Your love is immeasurable and in explainable and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am who I am because of Your attentive love. The only way I know how to love you back is to love others and to live a life pleasing to You. Help me, Lord, to be more like You in every way possible.
In Jesus Name,
#Security #Godslove #Gods #love #Ephesians #destined #appointed #livelpraiseofHisglory #Him #WordofTruth #Gospelofyoursalvation #believed #sealed #Holyspirit #guarantee #inheritance #possession #glory #marriedwoman #security #secure #husbandslove #husband #marriageclasses #holdsherselfupright #walksinconfidence #upright #walksinconfidenceconfidence #radiat #attentivehusband #priase #adoration #turmoil #donfident #loves #husbandlovesher #conquer #feat #Godsgreatestdesire #desire #power #health #unstable #education #family #job #friendships #confidentpeace #peace #Hispurpose #pressintoHim #trustHim #abidingsecurity #spendtime #Word #Biblereveals #Bible #Godscharacter #Hisspromises #Godneeds #foundation #lifeisbuiltupon #confirms #sealedguarantee #HolyspiritBelievers #faith #validate #sonship #steps #walkinHislove #HolySpirit #Believers #faithvalidate #finishHisbusiness #promised #Hiswill #risetomeetHim #downpayment #Ihavechosenyou #predestine #redeemed #passionatelycommitted #magnifytheglory #grace #graceinyoursalvation #salvation #walkinconfidence #AlmightyGod #universe #passionatelylovesus #livesinus