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What Day Is It?

Tamela Sue Wies

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."

My husband and I just returned from spending 4 days with my mother in an independent living apartment complex. What a delight it was to meet some of her friends and experience their daily living. I do have to say that during our stay there were 2 precious individuals that stuck out from the rest. Both of these individuals were 92 years old and exhibited the most positive, joyous attitudes almost like they were appreciative of being able to wake up one more day just to make a difference. They were both exuberantly on top of the world, involved in the daily happenings and engaged in other people's lives. I know they were Believers and it seemed to me like Psalm 118:24 was their mantra. "This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it." This particular man and woman radiated God's likeness and were a joy to be around. Their words generated a jovial spirit and they were helpful to everyone who came into their midst. If they were having a bad day, we sure couldn't tell by their countenance and demeanor!

The Psalmist was struggling and going through battles at the time of his writing of this song yet He was able to say, "This is the day the Lord has made: I will rejoice and be glad in it." His attitude set the tone for his day. Even though he may have not seen an immediate blessing, he knew that God had given him a precious gift of 1 more day and if he persevered, he would see what God was orchestrating.

The Jews sing Psalm 118:24 at Passover and Jesus actually sang it before His crucifixion. Jesus knew what was about to happen to Him and yet He sang! Can you imagine Him singing on the way to Calvary? He sang, "This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it" all the while knowing that He would soon be hung on a cross and subjected to unimaginable pain for literally no reason. He'd done nothing wrong. Warren Wiersbe says that this Psalm is another way of saying, "May your will be done, Lord." If Jesus sang in the midst of persecution and suffering then we are called to do the same. If we rise and are riddled with pain and suffering, we must trust that the Lord has a purpose for it all and we should move ahead rejoicing in all things.

God is in control of our lives and all of time so each new day that we are allowed to wake up and breath is a precious gift from Him! We shouldn't take it for granted. There are literally 1,440 minutes given to us each day to use for Kingdom purposes and to make an impact in this world for Jesus. What kind of an impact would we leave if we woke up each morning rejoicing and praising our Lord for the new day! How much more could we impact other's lives if we lived each day as if it were our last?

So, what day is it? This is the day the Lord has made; I WILL REJOICE and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24)


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for one more day to sing Your praises! Thank you for one more day to love my family and friends. Thank you for one more day to love on all the people that You bring into my midst through out the day. I pray that You would radiate Your likeness from me and that Your Holy Spirit would penetrate the hearts of those who I engage. May my life be all about You! Should I rise and get distracted right away, please pull me back in and get my attention. Point me to the Rock that is higher than I and whose plans are perfect. Fix my eyes on You, the Author and Finisher of my faith. Guide my eyes, my mouth, my hands and my mind to be aware of who is around me and remember that You have sent them into my presence for a purpose. Help me to be welcoming and approachable at all times. Slow me down so I don't miss the opportunities that You are sending my way. May Your will be done in and through this servant that loves and adores You.

In Jesus Name,


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