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Run To Not From

Tamela Sue Wies

Psalm 139:1-3 “O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways".

Has there ever been a time in your life where you just wanted to hide from someone or something so you didn't have to deal with the circumstances you were facing? When my son was very small (that alone is funny because he is now 6'6"), he used to go hide under the table when he messed his pants so that he could avoid having his diaper changed. He thought that no one knew where he was and if we didn't know where he was, then we didn't know what he was doing. Of course, we knew him too well and always knew where to find him, In the end he was always forced to endure the diaper changing routine all over again. It was a very comical scene!

We think children's antics are funny but when we sin and think we can hide from God, people or the repercussions and consequences of our actions, we are only fooling ourselves. Others may not be aware; however, God is at every place, at every time and in every circumstance. He sees all, hears all and knows all! He knows what has happened and what is about to happen. He even knows the potential of what might happen. He knows our joys and He knows our sorrows. He knows our pain and He knows our suffering. He knows what makes us laugh and what breaks our heart. His knowledge is absolute and perfect. He is an omniscient (all knowing) God. Why we think we can escape from His realm of control or powerful influence is perplexing but we've all been there at some time or another, haven't we?

The Bible tells us in the book of Jonah that Jonah tried to hide from God. God asked him to go to Ninevah and preach against the wickedness in that city but Jonah chose to disobey and hide below the deck of a ship sailing for Tarshish. God sent a storm to temper him and eventually a whale to swallow him up until finally He got Jonah's attention.

We don't usually think of people leaving their jobs and moving to a foreign country to avoid God as Jonah did but it doesn't mean that we don't try to build modern kinds of hideouts. People use their careers, their families, their leisure activities, and often a ministry to escape from the very thing God is calling them to do. It is important that we don't run from the Lord and hide out in any of these places. We will eventually have to come face to face with Him when we least expect it. Dr. David Jeremiah tells us to be a follower, not a fugitive and to run to the Lord, not away from Him. We need to hide in the Lord, not from Him.

My friend, when our merciful Lord sees you next, may He see your face, not the back of your head. Remember, He knows everything about you and loves you any way!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

It always amazes when I think about how well You know me which is probably better than I know myself. Forgive me for not always jumping to answer Your call the first time. Forgive me for not repenting immediately when I've sinned against You. I don't know why I seem to always take the long way around situations and end up on detours. I want to turn over a new leaf and be acutely aware of Your presence. Sharpen my hearing so that I recognize when You are calling me to do something and then help me to willingly obey. I know the feeling of intimately walking in Your presence and I long for that close relationship once again. Please awaken my senses and may Your will be done in and through me.

In Jesus Name,


#runtonotfrom #Psalm #searched #know #youknowme #thoughts #discern #mygoingout #mylyingdown #familiar #allmyways #time #life #hide #circumstances #underthetable #table #messedhispants #diaperchanged #diaper #weknewhim #forced #endure #routine #comicalscene #children #antics #funny #sin #repercussions #consequences #actions #foolingourselves #aware #ever #place #timeseesall #hearsall #knowsall #placetime #happen #mighthappen #joys #sorrow #pain #suffering #breaksourheart #absolute #knowledge #perfect #omniscient #escape #realm #control #powerful #influence #perplexing #Bible #book #Jonah #God #Ninevah #preach #wickedness #city #disobey #ship #sailing #Tarshish #Godsentastor #storm #temper #whale #swallow #attention #leaving #people #jobs #moving #foreigncountry #avoidGod #buildmodern #hideouts #careers #families #leisure #activities #minmistry #important #run #runfromtheLord #hideout #facetoface #DrDavidJeremiah #follower #fugitive #hideintheLord #notfromHim #mercifulLord #merciful #face #backofyourhead #loves #lovesyou #amazes #Iknowmyself #Forgive #forgiveme #answerYourcall #call #repenting #immediately #sinnedagainst #You #situations #detours #newleaf #awarepresence #sharpen #hearing #recognize #callingme #helpme #obey #initmately #walking #closerelationship #awaken #senses #Yourwillbedone #InJesusName #Amen


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