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  • Tamela Sue Wies

His Peace

John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

As I think about my life before I met Christ, I recall times of anguish and turmoil over decisions that now seem very insignificant or trivial. I remember my stomach hurting and the unsettling feelings you get when you have no earthly idea how things will turn out and it would consume my whole being.

No one told me that I could surrender all the anguish to Christ and that He would help me. No one showed me His Word, led me to understanding or showed me how to apply it. We went to church every Sunday but no one revealed Truth to me until my husband and I visited a church in a small town in Ohio. This pastor brought the Truth of God's Word to life for us. My eyes were opened and praise the Lord, I was set free!

After I met Christ, He has continually worked in me and with me to give me His peace and I can honestly say that His peace sustains me. His peace is a remarkable blessing and what I love about it is that Jesus didn't just offer us peace, He offers HIS PEACE. I love how He personalized it by saying “My peace I give you”! He has given us the peace of the abiding presence of God! Wow, what an amazing gift! He tells us that we do not have to be troubled or afraid because He is giving us a peace and assurance that the world cannot offer. I wonder who out there needs to know what it is like to experience His Peace that passes all understanding? Are we willing to share?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

We put our trust in You. When we are afraid you’ve told us to turn our cares over to You and rest in the peace that You’ve promised. Thank You that we can abide in the presence of God and be assured of His faithfulness. Your peace waits to attend to our whole being and that is so comforting. Help us to not keep this precious gift a secret but share with others where our hope, our peace, our provisions, and our protection come from. What an amazing blessing!

In Jesus Name,


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