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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Does Our Walk Befit Our Position?

Ephesians 4:1 "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called . . ."

There are many who believe that Jesus saved them in order to keep them out of hell, a sort of fire insurance if you will, but their perspective is very skewed. When Jesus saved us, He not only promised us a new home in heaven but He saved us to live for Him, to do works for Him, to rule with Him and so much more. Paul wrote much of the first section of Ephesians about our calling. He says that we were elected, predestined before time, redeemed, and forgiven. Before our salvation we were utterly bankrupt, spiritually dead in our sins, but now, we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies.

Paul wasn't pleased with the Ephesians as He saw that they were not living a life worthy of their calling. What exactly does it mean to live a life worthy of your calling? First of all to live literally means to walk, a day to day walking out of one's faith. This walking daily with God is a skill that takes time to learn. The Bible clearly teaches us all that God desires of those who believe and once we learn to walk as a Christian, we have a life time to put it into practice. So, to live a life worthy of our calling means to walk daily with Jesus in such a manner that exemplifies our high position as a child of God. In other words we should act in a way that fits the great value and glorious nature of God, the Gospel and our calling as a child of God. If our day to day living doesn't match our supposed spiritual position then it leaves room for quite a lot of questioning or you could say that our true colors clash, our walk doesn't match the position we hold. (Poor witness, maybe not truly saved, etc.)

The best illustration I can give you is that of Kate Middleton who married Prince William. She is now the Duchess of Cambridge. Because she has married into royalty there are certain rules she must follow and expectations she must live up to. She must at all times live a life worthy of her position within the royal family. She must not wear bold patterns and colors because in doing so, it would attract attention and show her as not being conservative and elegant. She must look her best at all times because a photo could be taken of her at any moment and she must always be presentable. She is to dress very modest and keep everything covered so as not to give the impression of being provocative. She is not allowed to wear the color black very often. There must never be a clash between her every day life and her position as royalty. The same holds true for us as Believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we are royalty. We are a child of the King and because we are a child of the King there are certain expectations that God has for us which are specifically spelled out in His Word.

I imagine that Kate Middleton was groomed for certain things, and taught manners, conduct and behavior before being presented in public or before taking part in some great event. Weeks and weeks of effort went into all those preparations. Similarly we are to live our lives always remembering that there is a day coming when we will be presented to God.

Are we walking worthy of the calling in which God has called us?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I have to remind myself often that I am Your child. The world tends to belittle anything of You and every so often it helps to remember who I am. Thank You that I am a daughter of the most High King! Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that helps me to live worthy of my calling. Thank You for getting my attention when I don't live up to Your expectations. Please forgive me at those times and set me back on the course that You've designed for me. When I sit to read Your word I ask that You would make it come alive and that it would penetrate my whole being. I know You, Lord, but I want to know You better and to live a life worthy of the calling that You've placed on my life. I want my life to be all about You so that when people see me they are reminded of You. Brighten my eyes, perfect my smile and use me however You desire to strengthen and build up Your Kingdom. Purify my heart and if there is any selfish way within me, please help me to change. I surrender to Your will and Your ways from this day forward and forevermore.

In Jesus Name,


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