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There's An Urgency In Our Calling!

Tamela Sue Wies

Ephesians 4:17-18 "Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart."

Paul was exhorting the Believers in the pre-Christian era not to live like the Gentiles, the secular people. He writes that their lives were being lived in vain. Unfortunately their lives had no purpose, no meaning, and were empty of anything of value. Sadly, it sounds like our culture of today. He goes on to say that they were darkened in their understanding which was a reference to their ability to see the proper way to live. They were darkened inside not because God willed it or created them that way but because they made a choice not to believe in Jesus and accept the things of God.

We can vividly see spiritual darkness in our society today as people are bound by an intense desire to live in pleasure and comfort and to be entertained at all times. It's all around us, everywhere we go. People have chosen to resist God and control their own lives and in doing so have become spiritually blinded to Truth. Our society is fascinated with sin and immorality, It's a shameless society addicted to wickedness, a society that is immoral and filthy; a society that has been deceived and duped by the great deceiver, The unbelievers living in this atmosphere don’t recognize it as sinful and debauchery because they have grown accustomed to it. The darkness lures them, it draws them into a spiritual slumber causing blindness. They learn to accept the darkness as being comfortable and they let it continue, falling deeper and deeper into it's enticing trance.

This poor choice of rejection has shut the unbelievers out of God's life, His plans and His purposes for them. They have been separated from having a relationship with the One True God who passionately loves them because they have hardened their hearts. Their future has been determined by their choices and they have been barred from eternal life. They have made their choice and now their choice is making them.

We are living in a time of grace but we never know when Jesus will return to take His children home. My friends, this is why God has called us to be co-workers with Jesus! This is why He tells us in His Word to let our lights shine so people will see the good deeds He has given us to do and will glorify Him. This is why we are to be the fragrance of the knowledge of Him wherever we go. This is why our lives should be an open book written in love. This is why we are to be a peculiar people. We are to live such a different life that we cause curiosity in others and they are left wondering what we are all about. We are to be His hands, His feet, and His voice re-presenting Him to those who are lost and living in the spiritual darkness all around us. Do you see the urgency in your calling?


Personalize this prayer,

Dear Lord,

Thank you for saving me! I know that with my salvation comes a responsibility to go forth and share the good news of the Gospel. It is a difficult and challenging charge because quite often I am shut down. People don't want to hear the Truth and see themselves for what they are. The discouragement is overwhelming. Forgive me for the times that I let others feelings get in the way of my calling. Please empower Your Holy Spirit inside of me to boldly proclaim my faith. Help me to stand up for my beliefs and share when You give me opportunity. May love and acceptance be my calling card that draws people in so that I have relationships that I can build upon. I surrender to Your plans and ask that You enable me to live according to Your will. All Hail the power of Your Name. May Your Kingdom be revealed over and over and over again through me.

In Jesus Name,


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