Ephesians 5:8-10 "for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord."
As children of light, we face an obvious dilemma. How do we live out our faith and maintain our biblical morals and principals when we are living in the midst of the darkness and the moral decay of our society? The Amish and other similar groups have chosen to totally separate themselves from the evil world, having no interaction with worldly people, not taking part in worldly activities and simplifying their appearance void of worldly influences. They have not assimilated into modern culture and have secluded themselves. While I understand their reasoning, they have unfortunately distanced themselves from the culture of today and have few opportunities to impact the lives of others. On the other hand, there are people out there who profess to be Christians but have so saturated themselves in the culture of today that there is no noticeable difference between their walk and that of the world. They water down the Truth of God's Word so as not to offend and dodge biblical morals and standards to make people feel comfortable.
Jesus gives us a biblical platform on which to charter the societal darkness. "I do not ask You to take them out of the world but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the Truth of Your Word; You sent Me into the world, I also sent them in the world." John 17:15-18 The Word is definitely clear. We are to go out into the world engaging society like Jesus did; however, we are not to be like those living in the world, making sure that people can see the difference. The key to this divine balance is to make sure that we are set apart for God and that we are a peculiar people living according to His Word. This is only possible by studying God's Word, knowing what it says, and by standing on our convictions of Truth. It is a daily challenge for us all.
Those of us who have been saved from the sin and darkness have no desire to go back to living in that awful state though temptation continues to knock at our door. God's light illuminates our way and God's Word helps us not to stumble around in the darkness of society any more. We are charged with the challenge to figure out what will please Christ and then set out do it. Only true Believers live to please their Savior.
What are Christ's desires? Micah 6:8, "He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." We are to be obedient to His Word and to allow Him to work through us to shine forth His glorious light which will expose all the deeds of darkness and hopefully get people's attention. He hopes that we will let our light shine or that our lives will cause so much curiosity in others that they will see our good deeds and be drawn to Him.
My friend, we need to ask ourselves this question daily. Are we pleasing the Lord in all that we do?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
You are the light of the world! My life changed when You came down into the darkness and touched me where I was. You opened my eyes and helped me to see the putrid state that I was in and gave me a longing, a hunger and yearning for Your love. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your amazing grace. You sustain me and provide all that I need to live in this fallen world. And though I'd rather not step out into the darkness, I do so because it brings pleasure to You. Everywhere I go I am met by people who are lost and have no clue what they are missing. They have no idea that what they need is a savior. I give myself to You, Lord, to use as You desire. Equip me to do your bidding and enable me to live in such a way that people take notice, not to get attention for myself but to make them wonder where my Joy comes from. Radiate Your likeness through me and show me how to love like You. If there is any way within me that is not pleasing to You, please bring it to light so that we can deal with it. I love You, Lord.
In Jesus Name,
#Discerning #pleasing #Lord #Ephesians #darkness #light #walk #children #lightfruit #good #right #true #childrenoflight #obviousdilemma #liveoutourfaith #faith #mantain #biblical #morals #principals #living #midstofthedarkness #moral #decay #society #Amish #chosen #totallyseparate #searate #evilworld #evil #nointeraction #worldlypeople #worldlyactivities #appearance #void #worldlyinfluences #assimilated #modernculture #secluded #understand #reasoning #culture #cultureoftoday #opportunities #impact #lives #profess #Christians #saturated #noticeabledifference #difference #world #waterdown #TruthofGodsWord #offend #dodge #bilb #biblicalmorals #standards #comfortable #Jesus #biblicalplatform #societaldarkness #outoftheworld #evilone #oftheworld #sanctify #Truth #John #Word #clear #engagingsociety #differencebalance #setapart #peculiar #astudyingGodsWord #convictions #dailychallenge #trueBelievers #Savior #Christsdesires #require #actjustly #lovemercy #walkhumbly #obedient #shineforthlight #lightcuriosity #gooddeeds #question #arewepleasingtheLord #openedmyeyes #putridstate #longing #hunger #yearning #Yourlove #mercy #amazinggrace #sustainme #provide #fallenworld #pleasure #everywehre #lost #missing #ida #desire #equip #bidding #enable #takenotice #getattention #Joy #Radiate #radiateYourlikeness #notpleasing #IloveYou