Deuteronomy 11:19 "You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
To say that my husband and I love our grandchildren is an understatement. We adore them and we feel a keen sense of responsibility to strive to be godly examples for them to look back on and follow. We love spending time with them and use every opportunity that God affords us to share with them about God's character and His faithfulness. Last night was a prime example of our interaction with some of these precious little ones.
Our oldest grandson, Joseph (9), has decided that he wants to put a little neighborhood library in their front yard where anyone can take a book and then leave a book. He has drawn up some plans and has solicited his Papa for help in building it. Not wanting to disappoint him, we jumped in and began thinking of ways that we could help him accomplish his goal. Our first stop was the local Good Will. We were thinking that if we could re purpose some things then his dream would become a reality quicker. God is so good. Almost everything we needed we found at the thrift shop and we were able to show Joseph just how faithful God is in answering our prayers.
This may seem insignificant to you; however, for a little boy who's father has just been deployed in the United States Army, this was huge. Not only did God hear his sweet prayer of longing but He provided everything that is needed to build it. As adults, I think we often take things for granted and chalk things up as coincidence but I beg to differ. Every little occurrence in my life like this is deemed a Godincidence. God cares so deeply for His children and He longs to do all He can to help them mature in their Christian faith. This may prove to be one of those spiritual markers that Joseph looks back on and sees the hand of God moving in his life.
As parents, grandparents, and mature adults it is our responsibility to impart the Word of God to the children God has entrusted to our care but our obligation doesn't stop there. You see, just hearing the Word isn't enough. They need to see God's Word come alive and lived out. They need to see that the love of God is real and at work all around them. The old adage "More Is Caught, Than Taught" is so true. We must model the behavior that we want to see in our children and grandchildren which includes finding a segue moment at every opportunity in every practical life lesson that we share. Our goal should be to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ come alive in their midst at all times. It should be a natural every day occurrence.
The children in your life will follow your example, what kind of an example are you laying out before them?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I forget that little eyes are constantly watching me everywhere I go. Even in the grocery store I've noticed children taking in everything that I'm doing. If I have led a child astray or have given them the wrong impression of You at any moment, please forgive me. I will strive from this day forward to live my life following Your example so that my example will be righteous and holy re-presenting You at every turn. Lord, I welcome Your wisdom and chastening. Please continue to refine me so that my motives and examples are pure. Fill my mouth with all that encourages and builds up these precious children not only in the body of Christ but where ever You lead. I'm available for You to use whenever You need me. May Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus Name,
#moreiscaughtthantaught #Deuteronomy #teachthem #children #talking #sittingsitting #house #walking #liedown #riselresponsiblity #grandchildren #understatement #godlyexamples #spendingtime #opportunity #share #Godscharacter #faithfulness #primeexxample #interaction #littleones #grandson #Joseph #neighborhood #library #frontyard #takeabook #leaveabook #help #building #disappoint #jumpedin #accomplishhisgoal #goal #GoodWill #repurpose #thriftshop #faithful #God #answering #ourprayers #prayers #deployed #UnitedStatesArmy #hear #provided #adults #takethingsforgranted #coincidence #occurrence #Godincidence #Godcares #Christianfaith #spiritualmarkers #handofGod #mparentsovinginHislife #grandparents #matureadults #imparttheWordofGod #entrusted #entrustedtoourcare #obligation #hearingtheWordisntenough #see #GodsWordcomealive #livedout #loveofGod #real #atwork #model #behavior #segue #practicallifelesson #JesusChrist #followyourexample #whatkindofanexample #forget #eyes #watching #child #wrongimpression #forgiveme #followingYourexample #righteous #holy #representingYou #welcome #wisdom #chastening #refine #motives #examples #pure #fillmymouth #encourages #buildsup #bodyofChrist #available #Kingdomcome #earth #heaven #InInJesusName #Papa