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  • Tamela Sue Wies

Waiting Patiently

Galations 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

In the previous chapters and verses in Galatians, Paul warned his fellow Believers about avoiding certain things. He probably felt like they were being weighed down by life's responsibilities so he set out in verse 9 to encourage them. He is telling them not to let themselves get fatigued or overwhelmed in doing what is right and good. Paul, himself, knew how weary you can become by persevering in righteousness and he begs them to remember that they will produce a harvest if they will just continue to hang in there and do what God was calling them to do.

The "Doing Good" Paul was talking about involves yielding to the Spirit and exhibiting the fruit He produces—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When the Fruit of the Spirit is dominant in our lives, and the Holy Spirit is guiding us then doing good is the inevitable result. but, it is a matter of focus. When we turn our focus from spiritual things and take on a worldly mindset then we can get overwhelmed just like the Galatians. And when we are overwhelmed and tense we tend to not let the Fruit of the Spirit show forth.

I don't know about you but there are times when I get so weary that I just want to take a time out on life, and give in. There are only so many hours in a day with so much to do within that time that it exhausts me just thinking about how I will accomplish all that I'm expected to and portray the likeness of Christ in the process. Doing what is right is not easy in this fallen world, especially when there is so much ingratitude among us. If I'm not careful, I let life overwhelm me and begin to stop relying on the Holy Spirit to empower and strengthen me to portray His likeness in the midst of all I'm doing. Praise the Lord, when I least expect it, God reminds me that I am not my own. I was bought for a price and I must carry out the Father's wishes. What lifts my spirit is that I don't have to do it in my own flesh, His Holy Spirit will enable and equip me. But again, my focus must be on the Lord and not what is going on around me. Our flesh will always defeat us so we must be wise and cautious and then test what is prompting our weariness.

So, what can we do to minimize the mundane and weariness? One of the things that has helped my husband and I is to schedule time for rest. Over commitment stifles our thinking and wears us down. We must have enough margin in our lives to take the time needed to refuel and energize. As humans, we tend to be more able to push through and endure when we have something to look forward to. The littlest respite can refresh us, refuel us, and give us the stamina that we need to continue on despite our circumstances. Another thing that helps is to learn to say no to those things that God has not called us to. They may be good things to do but sometimes we have to make a decision between the good and the best in order to not completely fill up our time leaving no time for the Lord or for rest. Lastly, making God a priority is a must. When we seek Him first everything else seems to fall into place.

Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 15;58 to “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because we know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain”. If we do not grow weary in doing good then we will one day reap the rewards that the Lord has promised. Just like the sower of seed must wait for the harvest, we are encouraged to wait patiently for our rewards from God, the Giver of all good things.

Remember, patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Ouch. The waiting is tough but I usually persevere. It's the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting that convicts me. Forgive me. My selfishness tends to rare it's head when I'm expected to wait and I know it's not right. Please empower your Holy Spirit to do a work on my heart so that I can portray Your patience in all that I do. When I lose my focus and become weary, please get my attention and remind me to fix my eyes on You. Jesus, keep me near the cross for when my heart is set on You, I have no trouble resting in Your peace amidst all that is going on. You are the Giver of every good gift from above and I praise You for the gift of patience.

In Jesus Name,


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