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Are you blessed?

Tamela Sue Wies

Psalm 115:15 "May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

I have heard people say that as Christians, we are blessed to be a blessing and I have to admit that I've used that term myself from time to time. I'd like to look at that phrase this morning and pick it apart so we have a greater understanding of what it truly means.

Would you say that as a Christian, a blessed life would be a life with a dynamic marriage, obedient children, an in touch ministry, faithful trustworthy friends and financial security - if these are the characteristics of a blessed life then one would have to say that it is an over the top, magnificently blessed life because we don't find many people who have everything all together like this. If someone had all these things would they really feel blessed? One thing that occurred to me is that if someone had all these things, they might tend to become self-sufficient and not dependent on God which is a dangerous scenario. Everything would already be perfect so they would have no need for His help.

It is wise to remind ourselves that earthly blessings are temporary. Remember the story of Job in the Bible? In an instant everything that belonged to Him was taken away. My husband and I have walked this journey two times in our lives. He was downsized from two different companies at two different times and if we hadn't had the right perspective, the struggle would have been a lot harder. God in his grace had been growing us spiritually and we realized that He had allowed these transitions for a purpose to either teach us something or move us some where. It was during those times that we dove into His Word more than ever before and literally lived on His promises. In the midst of those trying times we came to know God more intimately and experienced His faithfulness completely. While these trials were not blessings, they were avenues that God used to bless us above and beyond anything we could ever imagine. These blessings were not material in nature, but they definitely solidified our faith and strengthened our marriage and family. Though we were unaware at the time, there were several other families in our church that went through the same thing shortly after we did and they were watching how we handled the situation. God used us to minister to many people.

It is interesting that in the many references of the word bless, blessed, or blessing in the New Testament, none of them refer to material prosperity or perfection. Blessing is most often connected with either poverty and trial or the spiritual benefits of being joined by faith to Jesus. The word blessed comes from the Greek word "makarioi" and it means to be fully satisfied. It has everything to do with someone receiving God's favor despite their circumstances. This is the very reason that my husband and I could feel blessed and at peace despite our income being taken away. God had shown us that He was our Provider and we were able to let go of the temporal and focus on the eternal. Often struggles, trials, and disappointments will enable God's people to turn to Him for security, provision and comfort.

Yes, material blessings are enjoyable but the greatest blessing of all is to truly KNOW the Lord and walk with Him daily. He is all we need to live the abundant life that He has called us to. So, yes, we are blessed to be a blessing; however, it has taken on a whole new perspective after fleshing out the true meaning. To be blessed is to be fully satisfied in Jesus despite our circumstances. My dear friend, "May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth!" Psalm 115:15

With this new perspective, let me ask, Are you blessed?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

This dark world revolves around material gain. People spend their whole lives striving for more, something better, and the ultimate best. They live to keep up with the "Jones". I have seen the downfall of that way of living and I want to live my life devoid of that stress. When the temptation rises up within me and my wants cry out, please refocus my attention. Help me to remember the difference between a want and a need. Lord, I know that you've promised to provide for my every need and you've proven yourself faithful, thank you. Keep my 'wanters' from destroying Your peace that lies within me. I love nice things; however, I would rather be fully satisfied in You and You alone. I want no other Master! May I truly exemplify Your peace and my satisfaction to the world as You order my steps each and every day. My Your joy be complete in me and may I truly be a blessing to all You send my way.

In Jesus Name,


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