The other evening we took 4 of our grandchildren to a splash pad in our local community (9, 7, 5, and 2). They had a wonderful time and we enjoyed watching them take in the experience. There were a few other children playing in the water but two ladies in particular stood out to me. They had a beautiful little boy with them the same age as our youngest, 2 years old. This precious little boy was enthralled with the balls that we had brought for the children to play with. What a beautiful opportunity it was to share the love of Christ with this family! We shared the ball but that was the least we could have done. As we engaged some with the little boy, their faces began to light up and our grandson proceeded to hug him multiple times. If I would have had my camera, it would have been a sweet captivating moment.
I'm sure that each of you formed a picture in your head of the details of that incident as I was describing it but what I didn't tell you is that the other little boy was black. Now different races have never bothered us, as a matter of fact we don't focus on race at all; however, these days it seems that people are more prejudiced than they have been in the last 10 years. Hesitancy was apparent in the beginning as the women seemed cautious of us until we began pleasantly interacting with the little boys.
Friends, the Bible teaches that there is one race, the human race. All people are created from the same historic parents, Adam and Eve (Acts 17:26), and created in the image of God. Each person has built within them an innate dignity and self worth because they are God's creation and could be His image bearer if they so choose.
As Christians and students of the Word; however, we recognize that there are two spiritual races, the redeemed and the unredeemed. All human beings are totally depraved but God in His mercy has given each of us an opportunity for our sins to be forgiven. Total depravity does not mean we are all as bad as we could possibly be; it means every part of our humanity—mental, physical, spiritual—has been affected by sin. God has provided a way to bring the spiritually dead back to life. Jesus' death on the cross has made it possible for those who believe to have eternal life. It is those who believe whom God has chosen as His own.
In theory, conversations regarding race should only be held within the biblical format comparing the image of God on one hand and total depravity on the other. Again, humans are of one race, divided into two spiritual races, the saved and the lost. Those of us who KNOW THE TRUTH should be looking through the eyes of Jesus seeking to engage others regarding their eternity. We have no reason to determine anything by looking at the color of their skin. Our focus should be a matter of the heart and our inclination to love people where they are at should be so profound that they are drawn to us by the shear joy that is exuded from our whole being.
As a Christian, do you exude the abundance of joy that God has called you to?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
What a glorious day that will be when I can look upon Your face! The struggles of this world will finally be over and I can just focus on You and worship all of who You are. Until then, please forgive us for the racial prejudice that divides our country. I don't understand how people can be so full of hatred except for to call it blatant sin. It is so rampant among us and it seems that evil prevails above all most of the time. Help us each to take a stand in being no part of this racial divide and give us the ability to love beyond the borders that are put in place to separate. May we be refreshment to those who are perishing and a comfort to those who we know as the family of God. Just as God, may we not see color, but rather the redeemed and those who need Jesus.
In Jesus Name,
#HuanRace #nation #mankind #faceoftheearth #periods #boundaries #dwellingplace #evening #grandchildren #splashpad #localcommunity #time #enjoyed #experience #water #littleboy #balls #opportunity #loveofChrist #family #engage #hug #captivatingmoment #picture #details #incident #black #races #prejudiced #fear #women #hesitant #interacting #Bibleteaches #onerace #hu #humanrace #histsoricparents #AdamandEve #imageofGod #created #dignity #selfworth #Godscreation #imagebearer #Christians #studentsoftheWord #spiritualraces #redeemedunredeemed #humanbeings #depraved #mercy #God #opportunitysins #forgiventotaldepravity #humanity #mental #pysical #spiritual #spirituallydead #life #Jesusdeath #cross #eternallife #believe #Godhaschosen #theory #conversations #biblicalformat #saved #lost #knowthetruth #eyesofJMesus #engageeternity #coloroftheirskin #matteroftheheart #inclination #lovepeople #drawntous #exuded #wholebeing #abundanceofjoy #Lord #gloriousday #face #struggles #world #finallybeover #over #worship #forgive #racialprejudice #dividesourcountry #understand #hatred #blatantsin #rampant #evilprevails #stand #racialdivide #ability #lovebeyondtheborders #borders #separate #refreshment #perishing #comfort #familyofGod #notseecolor #needJesus #Jesus