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Beyond Measure

Tamela Sue Wies

Isaiah 53:3-5 "We despised Him and rejected Him; He endured suffering and pain. No one would even look at Him—we ignored Him as if He were nothing. “But He endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought that His suffering was punishment sent by God. But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment He suffered, made whole by the blows He received."

When we read this passage or any passage dealing with the resurrection, we get all caught up in the moment trying to imagine the intense pain and suffering that Jesus endured on our behalf. And rightly so. He humbled Himself until death on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven and we could live eternally with Him. Praise the Lord!

I'd like you to step back for a moment and ponder this thought. We are often inclined to think that our Lord's suffering lasted only a few hours on the cross but I believe His suffering lasted all the years of His life while living with men on the earth. Think about it for a moment. He was sinless, holy, and pure and was sent to live among sinful people. We can only imagine what He was thrust into, yet, I don't think that we are really able to grasp the magnitude of this scenario.

Because He was human, He suffered as a man but He also suffered among men. He lived with, walked with, talked with, and worked alongside sinful man. I have to believe that he often winced when hearing some of their conversations and became sick to His stomach when He was thrust into various situations that repulsed Him. He had to literally be sickened by all the sinful activities that were going on around Him. His love for His people was so great and I'm sure He ached inside at the thought of their sins and them being separated from God. Think of the agony He endured spending time with hard hearted men who were slow to believe.. Even the disciples were slow to believe. Just imagine the loneliness He must have felt.

We shouldn't be surprised when He answered, “You unbelieving and perverse generation, how much longer must I be with you? How long must I endure you? Bring him here to me” (Matthew 17:7) I'm sure His head had to be spinning as righteous anger swelled up inside. Even his closest friends didn't quite get what He was all about or why He was walking among them. He told them about the crucifixion but instead of intently listening and processing His words, they argued about who was greatest among them. Jesus was literally ignored. I'm sure he went without sleep. He was rejected. He was mocked and made fun of. He was ridiculed and condemned. He was spat upon, beaten, bullied and despised. He literally suffered more than most of us could humanly tolerate living in this world. Many people having to endure this kind of treatment have committed suicide in recent times because of the intense torment that is involved.

This precious Lamb of God daily withstood all the agony and suffering of this world just for you and for me. He stooped down low and was shamed beyond measure so that you and I could be free from the penalty of our sin. May we never tire of thanking and praising Him for the great lengths He took so that we could be forgiven and reconciled to a gracious merciful God.

"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I'm sorry and moved by the pain and suffering you endured just for me. I definitely don't deserve Your sacrifices. It humbles me to think that you love me so much that you were willing to suffer so I wouldn't have to. I absolutely love my family and would endure anything for them so I understand your heart. I thank you for the gift of my salvation and I pray that I will never take it for granted. Help me to be able to express my appreciation by telling others about You. Please give me a passionate loving spirit so as to grasp the attention of others with my praise of You. May glory ever be on my lips as I walk this earth and engage with others and may Your likeness shine so brightly through me that people take notice and long to know what drives me on. I love You, Lord and I lift my voice to worship You, oh my soul rejoice. Take joy, my King, in all You hear and let it be a sweet, sweet song in Your ears.

In Jesus Name,


#beyond #measure #Isaiah #despised #rejected #endured #suffering #pain #ignored #nothing #punishment #sentbyGod #God #sins #wounded #beaten #evil #healed #suffered #blows #received #read #passage #resurrection #moment #caughtupinthemoment #imagine #intensepain #humbled #deathonthecross #cross #forgiven #PraisetheLord #stepback #momentponder #ponder #inclined #Lordssuffering #fewhours #crossyears #life #men #earth #sinless #holy #pure #sinfulpeople #grasp #magnitude #scenario #human #man #amongmen #livedwith #walkedwith #talkedwith #workedalongside #winced #conversations #sicktoHisstomach #situations #repulsed #sickened #sinfulactivities #love #Hispeople #great #achedinside #separated #agony #spendingtime #hardhearted #disciples #believe #surprised #unbelieving #perverse #generation #bring #Matthew #head #crucifixion #listening #words #argued #greatest #ignoredrejected #mocked #madefunof #ridiculed #condemned #spatupon #beatendespised #sufferedmroethanmost #humanly #tolerate #world #treatment #committedsuicide #intesetoment #LambofGod #stoopeddownlow #shamed #free #penalty #sin #thanking #nevertire #praising #greatlengths #forgivenreconciled #gracious #merciful #exalted #highestplace #name #Jesus #kneeshoudbow #heaven #tongueacknowledge #JesusChrist #Lord #gloryofGod #Father #sorry #deserve #humbles #loveme #family #Iunderstand #understand #thankyou #gift #salvation #pray #granted #helpme #express #appreciation #lovingspirit #attention #glory #lips #engage #likeness #sine #takenotice #longtoknow #drivesmeon #liftmyvoice #Iloveyou #Lordsoul #rejoice #joy #King #song #sweet #ears


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