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Tamela Sue Wies

My Debt Has Been Cancelled

We all make mistakes so you will probably closely relate to my exuberance this morning. At the end of 2017 I was made aware that the payroll deposits that I had made to the IRS from the business where I'm employed were out of order because I had not pushed a confirmation button in the month of February. Ugh! You know what that means, I was about to have to pay a huge fine. After I informed my employer about what had happened, I set out to try to explain on paper to the IRS that we had paid our payroll taxes but that we had paid them out of order. To make a long story short, it is August 1st, 7 months after all the correspondence began and I just received news that the IRS has forgiven my mistake with no penalty. My debt has been cancelled! Praise be to my Lord and Savior! I'm ecstatic!

I had the same sort of feeling the day I gave my life to Christ so many years ago. What a relief it was when I understood that He took my sin and all my shame and replaced it with a new life in Him. He cancelled my debt and set me free. My life has never been the same and I am free to live the abundant life Jesus promised. The weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders when I trusted in Jesus and I am feeling that same feeling today with the burden lifted from the IRS of paying a fine. It is an in explainable release that is hard for me to put into words except that I feel free and unencumbered by all that this life affords. And you can be sure that I will never make that same mistake again! Whew! And after all the Lord has done for me and my family, I will never return to my old life.

If you have never totally surrendered Your life to Jesus, I want to challenge you to do so right now. I promise that it will be the best decision you will ever make. Jesus says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) He is calling you to yearn for the peace that only He can give no matter your circumstances. He is offering rest for your weariness and a home for your wandering heart. If you've tried everything else to appease You and nothing seems to suffice, try Jesus. He won't disappoint.

My friend, we all have sinned and there is no way that we can save ourselves. We've literally brought shame to God. (Romans 3:23) The Bible tells us that we deserve death. (Romans 6:23) This verse also tells us that God gave His one and only Son to be crucified on a cross to take on the sins of all those who would believe. You might be wondering, well how do I believe. Romans 10:9 tells us that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Master and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the grave then you will be saved. You will become a child of the Lord Most High and He guarantees you a home in heaven with Him when you die. It doesn't get any better than that.

It is that easy. 1. Admit to Jesus that You are a sinner and ask for His forgiveness. 2. Believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again as payment for your sins. 3. Confess and choose to allow God to be in complete control of your life. If you have done this, Welcome! You are now a part of the family of God. Go and share with someone, tell them what you have done and then find a local church where you can grow in relationship with the Lord and the people within. Your life will never be the same again!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

You have given me a precious gift in my salvation and I long for others to come to know You too. Speak through me, Lord, to sing Your praises and tell of all that You have done for me and my family through the years. Use me however You desire to draw people just little bit closer so they can experience Your love and peace more intimately.

In Jesus Name,


#Mydebthasbeencancelled #debt #cancelledmistakes #exuberance #morning #2017 #Iwasmadeaware #payrolldeposits #IRS #business #employed #outoforderpushed #confirmationbutton #month #February #pay #fine #explain #paper #payrolltaxes #correspondence #news #forgivcen #mistake #nopenalty #praise #Lord #Savior #ecstatic #gavemelifetoChrist #relief #Hetookmysin #shame #replaced #newlifeinHim #setmefree #neverbeenthesame #abundfantlife #Jesus #promised #weight #world #liftedoffmyshoulders #trusted #Jesusfeeling #burden #lifted #explainable #release #unencumbered #affords #life #famly #returntomyoldlife #totally #surrendered #challenge #promise #bestdecision #cometome #weary #burdened #rest #yoke #learnfromme #gentle #humble #heart #restsouls #easy #light #yearn #peace #circumstancesweariness #home #wandering #suffice #tryJesus #Hewontdisappoint #frienf #appease #friend #sinned #save #shameGod #deservedeath #crucifiedonacross #takeonthesins #wondering #Romans #confess #mouth #JesusChrist #Mater #grave #childoftheLordmostHigh #guarantees #homeinheaven #heaven #die #Admit #sinner #ask #forgiveness #ddiedonthecross #roseagain #paymentforyoursins #confesschoose #allowGod #completecontrol #Welcome #famlyofGod #goandshare #localchurch #grow #relationship #people #preciousgift #speak #singYourpraises #throughtheyears #drawpeople #experience #love #intimately

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